
373 19 13


I like this chapter. Things gonna start kicking off sinners.

(Not sin but story stuff)

Mmmmmmmmmm please someone try and guess what's happening. I don't wanna say it outright or it will ruin the best paaaaaaart.

Anyway enjoy ^-^]

Lapis POV.

I breathed in, trying to relax. The forest was my one escape, and right now an escape was sorely needed. 5 days of nonstop thinking was driving me to the point of insanity.

Emil hadn't come back like he said he would, he hadn't even texted...

But I suppose that's fair.

But in truth my thoughts kept coming back to... to HER.

I stopped, looking around, and realized I was towards the end of the Forrest. Near town. There was a small dip in the land in front of me, close to a small canyon.

I breathed deep again and leaned against a tree, looking down into it. I closed my eyes...

And I heard rustling. I turned towards it, and it slowly got louder. My heart started beating faster when I realized what it was.

Footsteps. Running. Someone was in the Forrest. I crouched immediately, seeing a figure from afar stop for a second and turn. They were down in the canyon... thing.

I almost choked when I saw who it was.


Peridot POV.

I stopped, turning to try and get my bearings. I was in a small... canyon? Whatever. I jogged to reward a bit. I really didn't wanna have to jog back, but I hadn't quite found a way out yet.

I growled at myself as i slowed to a walk. I shivered a bit.

It wasn't cold... I just felt strange. I turned and looked around again, but I shrugged it off.

I finally sighed, and gripped the rocks, begginging to climb. I almost slipped, but I maneged to make it to the top and smile as i collapsed. I definitely need to work on arm strength.

I flipped over and stood up, but I instantly stopped. A familier person was crouched there against a tree.

We just stared. I saw something flicker in his eyes before he blushed, turned, and stood. He was about to rush off when I grabbed his hand.

"Lapis?" For some reason my heart was racing, and every word my brother said came back to me.

"He's dangorous."

I let go of his hand. "H-hi..." he didn't turn for a second, but instead he spoke.

"You shouldn't be here..." I was confused. Was I banned from the woods too? I didn't even realize I might have gone this far. I mean, I assumed I was near lapis's place...

"Why? I'm just running. I... are you okay?" He was acting VERY diffrent. He refused to face me, but he didn't seem to be able to move.

"Lapis?" I put my hand on his shoulder to turn him around, when his head whipped up and I saw his eyes.

They once again seemed to glow, and suddenly he was shaking. I moved my hand off of him, but I was still concerned.

"Lapis... your eyes..." I found myself trailing off... something...


Lapis POV.

No. Nononononononono. This can't be happening. I couldn't move. I felt her hand on my shoulder, and I so badly wanted to lean back against it.

She shouldn't be here... She shouldn't be near me... why... god DAHMIT why!?

I breathed heavier and whipped around, looking at her. She was a bit taken aback.

"Lapis.... your eyes..." She seemed mesmerized, and her mouth stopped moving there, frozen. Her breathing slowed, but she somehow maneged to take a step or two back.

I tried shaking my head...

Lucky us, huh? She's right here... No one around...

I growled. "NO." I fell onto my knees, twitching as i tried to fight it.

Unless she tries to get away... you know this is pointless right?

My breathing grew heavy as well, and I bit the side of my cheek. But I couldn't. I looked up again, and peridot still stood there. She had a hint of concern in her eyes, but she still looked almost frozen.

The only hint she was alive was the rise and fall of her stomach.

I got up, feeling everything take over. I stepped forward, and pulled her into a tight hug. I can't do this... not to her... I panted heavily.

Please let this be enough... if only for now... I felt her shaking, and her legs buckled, which I expected. I let go, feeling myself shiver.

Good. Now I can just leave... by I couldn't. I wasn't letting go...

No. Stop. We got it...

But I can't leave her like this... I had to take her back to the edge of town. Leaving her in the woods... I would never hear the end of it.

So I picked her up. It was strange. Though she was just shorter than me hightwise, she seemed so much smaller like this...

I shook my head, and started running. I didn't stop. If I did I knew it would end in disaster...

You're doing it again. Shes diffrent. But you're treating her just the same as the others.

I ignored the voice, and pushed slowly out of the woods. I set her down on a bench on the other side of the street, and wiped some hair out of her face.

She was sleeping now, which was reasonable. Now I could just leave...

But no. I had to. I had to stay for that extra split second. I had to lean down.

I had to kiss her forehead.

And then I ran away again.

[Huh. Switching POVs again.

Whoops. I had to okay.

And don't worry, I'm working on "Interragation part 2" okay... just... a little writers block.


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