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Lapis POV.

Good. A solid 30 minutes and no Nix in sight. This is good.

She's probably stalking you from the shadows somewhere.

I shoved another mini cupcake into my mouth and tried to ignore it. Steven was beside me, talking to some other person I haven't met.

Suddenly amythest, the girl from earlier, ran in, and grabbed Steven by the arm. "Steven we have a situation..." she dragged him off and I suddenly realized I was alone. I grabbed one cupcake and turned, meeting the familier amber eyes of none other than...

"Nix..." I whispered, seeing the brunettes familier grin appear on her face.

"LAPPY! you actually came! You got my texts?" She put a hand on her hip, tilting her head like a dog.

Not a cute one.

"Yeah. I was asleep when I got them..." i added coldly.

She frowned. "You still mad? Cmon... it was 2 years ago, I've changed! Mostly..." she gave an innocent smile and batted her eyes at me.

I blinked at her, unconvinced. "Yeah well... I came for the party. Not for you." I stepped away, but she grabbed my arm, and leaned into my ear. "Cmon... aren't you a little hungry~?"

I felt a shiver go up my spine, and tensed up. There it was.

No. Nope. Uh uh. No. Say no. This girl a HOE.

"Wait what?" I said towards the voice, ignoring Nix.

Nix giggled and I focused back on her. "You know what I mean~ cmon, it been awhile since you've had a fix huh? I don't understand how you do it."

Well maybe WE'VE gained some self control.

I was confused by the voice again, and just blinked at Nix. "I uh... no. Actually I had energy just yesterday."


"Really? From who?" She tightened her grip, narrowing her eyes.

I gripped her arm, pulling it off mine. "We aren't a thing, Nix. So it's none of your business. Go away." I turned and walked, shoving the cupcake in my mouth as i walked.

You just unleashed a beast on yourself. God how dumb are you!?



Peridot POV.

I fiddled with the zipper of my jacket, as my mind raced.

What am I even doing?

In this past week alone I've been more reckless then I've ever been, and in still doing it.

But I HAD to get answers. Lapis has them. I mean... sure, my brother did too, but he was much less likely to give them. And besides, a small family party...

Wait... does that mean amythest is related to Lapis? Surely not... She gossips about all her family members...

I was so deep in thought that I ran into a tree. I growled and stumbled back, rubbing my head.

That's when I happen to hear faint music. I turn and I tap my foot.

Am I really gonna do this? I could still go home... but this would keep bothering me. And it's not like I know exactly where lapis is on any given day...

I started walking forward, careful not to run into any more trees, and crested a small hill, overlooking the party.

I was surprised. Amythest had said small... this party had at least 50 people...

But she did sound weird. Of course she had lied. Maybe she knew?

I shook my head and began scanning the party, when I noticed a few people freezing up. I stopped on one in particular, whom I didn't know, who seemed to be twitching.

I glanced around and I straightened up as i saw lapis. He was leaning against a tree in the corner, and appeared deep in thought.

But the I couldn't help but notice that quite a few people had turned in my direction.

Had they seen Me? I thought I would be hidden...

I backed up a little, feeling nervous again, when I looked back at where lapis was. His eyes furrowed, and he shook his head, before also quickly turning in my direction.

I didn't have time to react when someone grabbed me from behind and covered my mouth. I tensed up and wiggled, grabbing their forearm, but I wasn't strong enough.

I was pushed forward, wiggling, until the stranger pushed me down into the middle of the party. I flipped, breathing heavily as i looked up at him.

His face was blank, but it grew into a smile. I felt movement around me and noticed everyone moving closer.

I turned back to the man and gulped, as he chuckled.

"You're in trouble now."

[ this story gets deeper than you think, sinners.


I mean I have a plan for the story and I've been hinting at things and I want to know what you guys think is really going on ^-^]

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