What I Am.

325 14 28

Lapis POV.

I breathed heavy, as I opened my one eye. I could feel her warm hand on my face, and my body twitched.

I was shrinking. Turning back. My heart and mind raced. This is bad. But when I looked back at her, she seemed at LEAST partly calm. She had reeled back her hand slightly.

"Lapis...?" I closed my eyes at my name, not having the energy to move.

But I felt her grab my arm. I opened my eyes slightly to see her slinging it over her shoulder, lifting me up. I gave a small sigh, looking up.

I had maneged to get us a good distance away.

As far as my house.

Peridot made small grunts as she helped me up the stairs, and put me gently down just outside the door.

"I... um... is it locked?" She looked between me and the door. How is she so calm?

I shook my head no, then looked down at a particularly big claw mark on my chest. I moved my hand to touch it gently, when I felt her hand on my shoulder again.

"Cmon... i... I'll help you inside." She lifted up my arm again. I was in no position to argue. I allowed her to half carry me to the small living room, where she set me on the couch.

This is when it got awkward. We sat there for a second. My heavy injured breathing pretty much the only sound.

Well she knows now. Are we just gonna lay here?

I didn't even have the strength to growl at the voice. I turned my head though, and our eyes met. Her glasses were off, and I could see the welling up of a tear.

I glanced down, finding her shaking hands around her glasses.

She was terrified... I grunted and sat up, holding my chest. "Peridot... listen..." She looked back up at me.

"Are you alright?" I knew she wasn't, but I couldn't help it. God knows what would've happened if I hadn't been there...

"Are you joking?" I looked back at her, to see small hint of anger. She huffed, standing up and walking a little away from me before turning back. "Are you serious right now?"

I opened my mouth to speak but she held up a hand, keeping eye contact. "I'm not the one bleeding in multiple areas! Lapis..." she rubbed her face.

She was sort of pacing now, and I gripped the edge of the couch.

"Im... I'm physically fine. Mentally... no... are YOU okay? Do you have a medkit or something somewhere?"

I gulped. "I... kindof? That's not how it works."

Smooth. Real good at keeping stuff to yourself huh?

I blushed as i realized what I said. Peridot looked at me confused. "How WHAT works? What do you mean? Just... what do you need, to fix your wounds?"

I stood, and she froze where she was. "Look, you shouldn't have come to that party. You should leave."

Her face changed again, and she stomped up to me. " you expect me to leave you alone with no medical... well... anything? Lapis do you think I'm stupid?"

"What... I didnt..." she cut me off. "Lapis I'm staying until you explain this to me. What... youre... you're like a werewolf?"

I opened my mouth but shut it, shaking my head.

"This isn't my place... Peridot I shouldnt..." she tilted her head, her eyes growing a bit more concerned than angry. "Shouldn't What? Lapis we both almost got killed! You're bleeding, and I'm freaking out here!" Her voice cracked slightly, and that tear that had welled up streamed down her cheek.

She moved her hand to wipe it away, but I had already lifted my free hand to do so. As my hand touched her cheek we looked at eachother.

The moment ended just as quickly. I pulled my hand quickly back. "I... look peridot... i... I'm not..." I clenched my fist.

"Im... I'm different... ok? I'll be fine, but you shouldn't stay here."

"Lapis... Will they come after me?" I looked back up at her, she was shaking again.

They will. Don't let her go out there. Not by herself. They'll get her.

I growled, gripping my hair in frustration. "DAHMIT! It wasn't supposed to be like this..."

I sighed. I was still weak...

Tell her. She's already seen... and you will die unless you do it.

I shook my head, turning up slightly to look at her.

"I..." I sighed, shifting on my feel whole groaning. "You... you're Half right..." she looked at me confused again.

"What do you mean? About What?" She stepped a bit slower, eyeing my wounds before meeting my eyes again.

"About... the.. me being a uh... werewolf. More or less..." I had trouble thinking, her being this close. That plus the fact all of what little strength I had was focused on standing.

She glanced away for a second but looked back at me. "Does Emil know?" I froze.


"I... why do you think that?" It was true, but I don't know how she would suspect...

"He acted strange... uhmm... that day he picked me up." She looked down. "It's been bugging me... it's why I came to the party..."

"Well... I wasn't supposed to even let you in the forrest..." I closed my eyes and sighed. "Your brother might legitimately kill me..."

I huffed a bit in laughter, but groaned at the pain. Peridot looked up again. "What does a werewolf do to heal itself then? You says it doesn't work the way I thought it did."

I gulped a bit. "Oh... right..." she wanted so badly to help but I didn't want to do that...

What's wrong? She'll be fine, by morning she'll feel normal. Besides, she has to stay anyway. Don't want our little cutie getting hurt by the others.

I closed my eyes. How could fate be so cruel to me... I just wanted to live alone... this whole mess...

"Alright. But... before I tell you, there's something else you should know."

I looked her dead in the eyes, and she looked a little surprised. "And... what's that?"

"I have another secret..."

[Oh hoooo whaaaaaat

Haha yeah. 2 people guessed they were werewolves.

But I have more twists planned...


Also, I know I haven't update I need this, I need you! In a while... I got huge writers block for that story... I don't know if I will put it on hiatus, but I probably am not going to update it for awhile till I figure it out.

Also, the Sinful one-shot is almost complete. Just about 2000 words. Wowie.]

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