A Guy?

428 17 11

Finally nighttime came, and I opened my window, carefully stepping out onto the tree branch and climbing my way down.

I smiled at myself for my hundredth successful escape. I turned and began running towards amythests house. I love nights like this.

The air rushed around me as i ran and I smiled wider. I finally reached the place and slowed. I grabbed a random acorn and threw it at a familier lit up window.

I heard a noise and a familier head popped out, and her eyes and smile widened as she saw me.

"So the drunk night champion lives huh? Here for your stuff?" I nodded and climbed up the rope she threw down, which we had installed just for an occasion like this.

I hopped in, smiling as she closed her window. It was no more than 10 seconds before she turned me around.

"How in the good lords name did you survive that jump!?!?!" I pushed her arms away.

"The jump? Oh the jump was nothing. But I was pretty much stuck down there for a couple hours." Amythest's jaw dropped.

"Then how'd you get out?" I suddenly thought about lapis.

"Uh... someone.. saved me. They led me out and I made my way back home." It bothered me how much I had lied today.


I froze again. "Uh well... just... some.. guy.. he lived in the woods out there..." Amythest suddenly smiled bigger.

"Was he hot? Or was he like an older guy? Old Man? DETAILS PERI I NEED DETAILS!" she shook me by my shoulders.

"I'm not gonna see him, it doesn't matter!" I hated repeating my brothers words. "But if it does to you... yeah. I guess he was really attractive."

Amythest sat on her bed. "Nice. Any other guys you are or plan on hiding from me?"

I scoff. "Where's my stuff, A?"

She smiled. "Over there on my desk. But seriously, you know I'm just playing. But why can't you see an attractive guy?"

I sighed, picking up my phone and jacket, along with a small wallet. "He's a friend of my brother which I didn't know about till earlier today. My brother says he's dangerous..."

"Did he specify? Like is he some sort of creep, o is it just a thing where he doesn't want the guy dateing you?"

I turned, raising a brow. "Dating? Amy I don't have time for boys. I just wanna finish highschool and get out of this town."

I paused for a second, then sighed again. "But.. no, he didn't specify. But you know him, he probably doesn't want me with anyone. Especially someone he knows."

"Well, whatever. It's done I guess. Wanna stay over? Or did the mistress and sir joykill ground you?" I smiled at her words.

"Nah, I should probably get back." I headed back over to the window, and gripped the rope. I looked back up though, with a serious face. "Don't forget about the money you owe me. I didn't almost freeze to death for nothing."

Amythest laughed. "never, P. I have it. I'll give it to you tomarrow at school." I nodded and made my way down, waving as i began to walk home.

I had run out of energy to run. Instead I just looked around. Nighttime was maluch prettier than day, the stars blanketed the sky and you could hear creatures from the woods clearly.

I breathed in deeply, as thoughts began to fill my head.

Why was Emil being so weird? Who is Lapis? Why is he in the woods alone, and why hasn't he ever been to town? Why is Emil lying to me? Did I do something I forgot about?

Every possible question of the last two days events came back, swirling in my mind.

I didn't have answers. It bothered me. It bothered me more than the fact that half of everything I'd said today were lies. Harmless as they may be, I wasn't a lyer...

And soon my thoughts were back on lapis. I went over every action and word he had said. What could be dangorous?

He had carried me to his house, left me food, water and clothes in a room while he left me to change, and he offered me not only breakfast, but a ride home.

And the whole time he went from being nervous, to blank-faced, and back and forth.

I ruffled my hair a bit. This was so stupid. Why should I care?

Why couldn't i stop?

[Hey hey hey it's ya gal reef back at it again

Sorry for no updates this past week I got grounded again ;-;

Sorry I'm a bad noodle. Won't happen again sinners.

Also, a update for  I need this I need you! Will be out by tonight, because I want to and feel bad for not updating like I should be.

Anyways, hope you enjoy this lapidot trash.


(Screenshot from voltron of my beautiful child pidge AHH I NEED SEASON 5 NOW)

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