Wild Week

440 21 23

Peridot POV.

A... interesting week.


"How cold was it?"
"Could you see through the water from there?"
"Were there any caves?"
"Was there anything alive down there besides you?"
"How close were you to drowning?"

I rubbed my temples as every senior in the school sorounded and pounded me with questions.

"God the only thing I'm drowning in is your stupid questions!" They all seemed to giggle at the remark, shrugging it off.

They kept rambling, until suddenly Dillon, one of the football players, set a five dollar bill in front of me.

I looked up, he smiled at me warmly. "Deals a deal. Glad we didn't add another death to the scoreboard." He shot me a quick glance before he quickly and walked away through the crowd. A few people were nodding, but i hear a few groans.

People began digging around, and suddenly there were 1s and fives being set in front of me. After setting it down, most just walked off, some told me I was braver than them, and the rare few just growled in annoyance at having to pay me.

When they were all gone, I started going through it all, and the final bell rang.


Amythest poked me. "C'mon P, give me specifics! Like... how hot? What was his hair color. Describe him."

I groaned, pushing her hand away. "Stop... I don't wanna think about him."

I pulled my locker open, trying to ignore her obsessive nagging. She had been asking about lapis all day, and I was really quite done with it.

Amythest grinned. "Afraid of catching feelings, miss "no time for boys?""

I prayed she couldn't see my face heat up a bit. Sure, I could say yes. LAPIS was attractive, but I doubt (by the way Emil acted) that I would be seeing him again.

And the fact I barely knew him, and apparently he was dangorous, and apparently I'm still a child.

According to my brother.

I slammed my locker, keeping my face down and tightening my grip on my satchel as i turned towards the Science hall.

She managed to catch up, grabbing my arm. "Why are you being like this Peridot? You've been weird since that night..."

I pushed her away again. And sighed angrily. "Maybe because I almost drowned? It's not a light thing, okay?

I paused for a second, turning back to look at her. "Just... just drop it... ok?" I walked off towards class and was only slightly surprised when she didn't follow.


"Mom, I swear I was just at practice..." I kept a straight face as i tried to reason with the unreasonable. I go for a simple 15 laps and she gets all mad.

"No. Peridot how am i supposed to trust you. First you dissapear for 2 days, now this!? You're grounded." I rolled my eyes.

"It already feels like I'm grounded. And honestly there's nowhere to go in this stupid town so what does it matter!?" I was getting angrier.

My mother was too, and she stepped forward, pointing in my face. "This town was your father's hometown. He loved and needed this place. And you treat it like its worthless!"

I growled. "Then i suppose its fair YOU go and treat ME like I'm worthless? Or is that supposed to make us even?"

She stayed silent, and I knew I'd struck a cord. "I'll be in my room, Mother. Like you care where I am as long as you can control me." I turned, stomping away.

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