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Lapis POV.

She'd been running on the treadmill for almost half an hour, but she was going at a steady pace with her eyes closed. She was concentrating on just moving.

But her mind was no doubt a mess.

She hadn't changed much beside her hands and that flash of her eyes earlier, and for that I felt relieved. But it made sense.

It wasn't a full moon, so she shouldn't change. But what worried me is why NOW. Of all he times she could've gone a bit wolf, it comes out now.

"Lapis?" I looked up from my thoughts. She was still running, but her eyes were open now.

"What is it?"

"How... how long does something like this go on for? Or... like... why am I feeling like this?"

"I... don't know. I've never seen this happen. I don't think you're going to change, if that's worrying you." I was trying desperately to stay calm, but it was hard. Should I call Emil? He would know more about this than me...

"No just... it's all so sudden. And... I don't know..." she slowed and bit, stepping off the treadmill and shivering. "Now I'm cold?" She rubbed her face.

"I think you are finally out of energy. You should go lay down. I need to call your brother."

She nodded, and, as I predicted, yawned before exiting the room. I followed, making sure to close the secret door. She went into the living room, flopping not the couch.

I sat beside her, but took out the phone Emil gave me and tapped in his number.


"Hey, Emil. I think we have a slight problem."

"What? Is peridot safe? Where are you? Where is she? Did they come-"

"No, no they didn't. Calm down. It's a different problem. A uh... peridot problem. You told me to tell you if she..."

"... she changed?"

"No, but she sort of wolfed out. And her instinct voice is there. She kept feeling the urge to run. Emil... she definitely a werewolf."

There was a short silence, in which I glanced over to peridot, who was definitely asleep now.

"Define... sort of."

"Her hands... claws. And her eyes. I got her home before anything else could, and I let her run on that treadmill. She's asleep now."

"Okay... I guess... that's strange... it's not even a full moon."

"I know. That's part of the reason I called. Is there an explanation for this sort of thing?"

"Not that I know, but maybe you or Peri should go into dad's old study. He has books and journals on creatures. He probably has information on werewolves."

"I thought that you didn't want Peri to go in there?"

"That was before I knew she was for sure a werewolf. She might as well Learn more. Those books helped me after dad left and I was confused. Look for the one labeled W instincts."

"I'll let her rest first. I just wanted to let you know. You're being surprisingly calm right now..."

"Oh no I'm freaking out. I'm just trying to stay calm so I don't have a heart attack."

I couldn't help but laugh a little. "Alright. Well I'll call you if anything else changes."

"Well you better! It's hard for me to tru-"

I hung up before he could bore me with a speech about me and Peri in the same place. I don't need that right now.

Peridot POV.

I stretched out my legs while yawning, then let out a sigh. I opened my eyes and turned to see lapis leaning his head against his hand on the end of the couch.


He turned, looking at me. "Your awake."

I laughed. "Yeah. And I feel better. Less anxios." I sat up. "Did you talk to emil?"

"Yes. And he wants me and you to go into uh... Your father's study."

"My dad had a study?" Okay yeah Emil definitely has more secrets.

"He didn't want you to go in there if you Wernt a werewolf. But now..." he gave a small, nervous smile.

Okay my heart is pounding again... I gripped my chest, and lapis tilted his head. "Are you alright?"

"I... i think so? Uhm... where is my dad's study?"

"I think it's back past your mother's room. But, don't blame me if I'm wrong, I've only been in this house once before."

"Then I guess... let go get some answers."

Shorter chapter but whatever

All of lapidot he'll is about to break loose in these next few chapters.

*rubs hands together evily*

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