Run Wolf Run

298 14 11

Peridot POV.

I sat down on my bed, both afraid, and angry that lapis wouldn't listen to me.

Surely even in wolf form he has some sense?

I closed my eyes, trying to take deep breaths, when I heard a slight noise. I moved, peeking out my window.

Lapis had pushed Nix into the side of the house. I guess he had the sense to take a fight away from open.

He growling something I couldn't hear, and nix seemed more upset then angry. Lapis looked tense, but that was understandable.

It seemed like there was a silence, and lapis's face changed. He went more toward a pitiful defensive look than an angry one.

What the hell?

I gripped my bedpost tighter, narrowing my eyes. Lapis said nix was bad. Manipulative. What is she saying?

For a few minutes it went back and forth from angry to pitiful, and somewhere lapis had stepped closer.

He was close. Too close for any kind of comfort. She said something, which he seemingly tried to defend, before she interrupted and said something else. He didn't speak.

She pushed gently past him, but turned to say one last thing, even giving a small smile before running off towards the forest. I watched for a sec, but turned my gaze back to lapis.

He was still looking at the ground, frozen in place. He slowly looked up and turned to where nix had been, then went back around the house toward the door.

I gently slid back down on my bed, confused. I wanted to know what would make lapis freeze up like that.

I heard footsteps, then a small knock.

"She's gone. If you want to come out." I stayed put for a second but hopped up and opened the door. Lapis gave a small sigh.

"Sorry... I just... I really hate her. Sometimes the wolf comes out and you don't mean for it to." He stepped back a bit.

"Hungry? I can make something." I shrugged, crossing my arms loosely. But looking at him.

"What did she say?" He held our gaze, his eyes flickering, but he ran a hand through his hair.

"Accusations. Theorys. And that she didn't mean the threats she made." He made 1 step down the stairs.

"Do you... believe her?" I followed, trying to be careful, and not just with my words.

He paused at the kitchen counter. "I'd like to think she's good, Peri. But then again I'd like the world to be all good, but it isn't. I don't TRUST her, but if she wants to try and convince me, I suppose there is no harm."

He gave a small smile, as I sat down on a stool. And I decided to change the subject. "What does it feel like? Uhm... when you uh..." I stuttered a bit. Surely there was a term...

"Start to... shift?" He added, pulling out a pan.

"Is that what you call it?" I asked, chuckling a little.

"Well, firstly, there's many terms for it. Shifting just makes the most sense to me. And... it's kindof... it's not painful. Except for the first time."

He reached into the fridge, grabbing out some hamburger meat. "I guess... instinct takes over a majority of you."

He set the meat down and smiled at me. "But we keep some of our sense. For example, my first INSTINCT at that party was to escape. But my sense, made me fight. So you wouldn't umm... you know. Get kidnapped. Or killed."

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