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Peridot POV.

I yawned, flipping over and curling up a bit. I couldn't suppress my second yawn and I groaned, before blinking open my eyes. I had to rub them before I could actually see, but I looked around.

Cabin? Wha... oh. Right.

I sat on the couch normally, another yawn coming. I noticed a lump under a blanket in the chair, and the memories of what happened slowly came back.

Lapis is a werewolf/something hybrid, he saved me... AGAIN. and I had to stay the night.

And... Emil is going to kill me.

I groaned again and grabbed my backpack, which I still somehow had. I grabbed my phone, opening it.

10:51. Yep. I'm dead. I opened my lock screen and saw 16 messeges from Emil.

Yeah... I'm doomed.

I opened them and looked them all over. The first... 3 were normal, then they got progressively more angry or worried, the last one from about 8 this morning.

" Amythest told me about how you were at the party. Peridot I'm sure you're confused but I can explain. At least messege me... let me know you're okay..."

And then nothing.

I felt bad, but it was unsafe for me to try to go home. Espaicelly with lapis too weak and injured to escort me.

Speaking of which... I stood up and walked over to the lump, which was lapis. He was laying sideways in the chair, with a quilt over him. His blue hair was a mess, and I surppressed a laugh.

"Lapis? Lapis can you wake up please?"

He shifted, stretching a bit. "Hmm?"

I rolled my eyes. "Get up. We need to go."

At this he shot up. "What? Are they here?" He turned his head to the window, scanning for movement. I blushed a bit at how fast he woke up when he though I was in danger.

"No, lapis my brother is worried sick. You need to take me back to town." I put a hand on my hip. "You have a car, don't you?"

He turned back and nodded, standing up and stretching.

He wasn't wearing a shirt. This made me blush a bit more, but him still being groggy from sleep didn't seem to notice.

His wound was gone, but I was more focused on his abs. He was ripped. He bent over and it broke my trance, as he threw a random tshirt on.

"What did your brother say?" Lapis ruffled his messy hair back into a more normal looking style and then looked at me.

"He knows I was at the uh... party. And I'm guessing he... uh... knows about all this. He said he'll explain." I bit my lip in worry. "I already know... some of it I guess."

He looked down. "Y-yeah... i... I'll take you back to town. Your brother will chew us both out, and then..." he paused.

He looked back up, his eyes wide but blank. "Well... I don't really know what happens after that..."

I nod. "Sometimes it's hard to tell what's gonna happen. I mean I didn't expect to get assaulted when I went to find you at a party." I laughed nervously and rubbed the back of my neck.

He nodded. "So... do I take you to your house? Or the edge of town?" He walked over to a drawer and opened it, grabbing what I assumed were his keys.

I shrugged. "I can do either."

"I think I'd feel better if I took you straight home..." he fiddled with his keys. I smiled and walked past him toward the door.

"Then come on."


Lapis POV.

I stopped outside what peridot said was her house, glancing around nervously. Surely they wouldn't still be following us...

You never know... I don't trust leaving her by herself. Plus nix could come after her.

That crazy bitch. If she lays one hand on our Peri's head...

Peridot leaned back to grab her back back, then sighed. "I texted my brother saying me and you were both here. Come in." She gave a small smile, and although I wanted to speed off to avoid Emil's wrath, I couldn't say no to her.

We both got out, and I followed her in, still looking around... just in case.

Peridot stopped a few feet inside, and it was clear to see why. I stepped in nervously, closing the door behind me slowly.

Emil stood there, arms crossed. Peridot stepped forward. "Emil... i..."

"What? Honestly peridot it's like I don't recognize you. This past week..." he shook his head, and he looked up, his expression changing to worried. "You were out late, and then you snuck out?"

Peridot rolled her eyes, shaking her head. "Well you've changed too. He'll everyone's changing. We've always been honest to eachother emil... then you won't tell me what's going on, then Amythest lied to me about the party... did you expect me to not want answers!?"

I leaned backwards against the door, feeling bad. This was my fault...

You saved her. How is that a bad thing?

Emil sighed. "I... no. I expected you to TRUST me. Because this is more complicated than it seems!"

At this moment Emil looked to me, and to my surprise, instead of being angry, his eyes begged for help with this.

I felt my chest tighten, but peridot looked at me as well, then back to Emil.

"So you DO know. How much more complicated does it get, emil? I saw. I saw what they are." Peridot clenched a fist.

Emil's eyes widened. "What? Wait... why are you here lapis?" He looked bebetween me and her, his eyes narrowing.

"They... Emil you know what they would've done. I protected her. And... nix..." I gave a small frown. "She's back."

Emil did a noise that sounded like part sigh. Part groan. "The good news just keeps coming..." he rubbed his face and started moving back and forth.

He paused at his pacing and looked at peridot. "Do... do you know about..." he paused, looking towards me. I stepped forward, Raising a hand.

"I only told her what I thought was absolutely nescecery for her to understand... not everything. About me... mostly..." Emil closed his eyes and sighed, looking even more distressed.

"I didn't want... this... This isn't how I wanted you to find out... you didn't need to know all this, peridot..." he shot her a helpless look, a slight frown on his face.

She tilted her head, looking between us. "What... what do you mean? About werewolves?" She stepped closer, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Are you... okay? I promise I'm not hurt..."

Emil opened his eyes again, shooting his gaze back up at me. "Wait... how are YOU not hurt? Amythest said there were a good 10-15 there. At least 5 that were interested in fighting..."

I sighed. "I... I didn't get out without serious injuries... I... i had to umm... use some of peridots... energy... I promise it was only through a hug. I wouldv-"

"He would've died. I let him. Don't be mad. He explained how there are more than just werewolves, and how he's... a hybrid?" She looked back at me for confirmation, and I gave a single nod.

I turned back to emil. "So what now?"

Emil sighed, rubbing his face. "Well we might have just started a pack war, nix is sure to cause trouble, and..."

He turned to peridot. "I think it's time I tell you everything."


Trying to finish a Silent Pain chapter by tonight, but I'm stuck on one part ;-; curse writers block.

1284 words. Exact. (Including this authors note.)]

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