Friendly Voices

471 18 16

Lapis POV.


She smiled nervously and chuckled. "Yeah... but it's fine... you've done enough... I should get home..." I felt my arm twitch, and I stepped forward. "Oh cmon, I promise I'm a good cook!"

Yes. Don't let her leave. Look at her...

She sighed softly. "O-ok..." I turned, leaving and walking down the hall. I glanced back to see her following me, and I contenued, making my way down the stairs and into the kitchen.

She walked in when I opened the fridge, and she sat down at kitchen counter. "This place is... uhh... bigger than I thought..." I turned back.

"And beautiful... " she was looking around in almost awe. "From that room..."

What doll? Seem diffrent?

"It seemed like a small cabin? I know." She looked back at me and smiled. I got out a pan and layed some eggs and bacon into it.

"So do you always get that drunk at partys?" I tried starting a conversation.

That's what you ask first? Cmon... make it a bit more interesting... Look at her eyes again.

I growled internally at the voice.

She shook her head. "Oh god no... I don't even really go to partys... I've just been really stressed lately... my friends were trying to lighten me up." She glance up with a nervous smile.

Interesting. Find out more!

I maneged to stay queit. The stupid instinctual voice of mine was incredably annoying. I wish I could just make her leave, but I didn't want to be rude.

Suddenly my phone buzzed, making both me and her jump. I grabbed it and turned it on, seeing a messege.

[Em-Dog]- hey L. I'm back in town.

I stared at the messege for a second, then typed out a quick reply.

[L-Man]- cool. Stop by later. But I'm kinda busy right now.

I set the phone down and looked back up at her. "Sorry. One of my friends just got back to town. Haven't heard from him in a while."

She nodded. "It's fine." She bit her lip in a cute way and leaned a bit forward. "Uh... how far are we from town? It's not a long walk is it?"

Not in my arms doll. Ooo that cute little lip bite. I can bite too (;

I gulped at the voice and coughed nervously.

"It's uh... about 6 miles..."

C'mon, be a gentleman.... offer her a ride...

"Oh... I'll be walking for a while..."

Before I could stop myself... "I'll drive you. To the edge of town at least." My arm twitched under the counter and I looked back at the food, flipping it.

It was awkward for a few seconds, then my phone buzzed again. I growled a little in annoyance and looked at the messege, feeling my stomach drop.

[Em-Dog]- well too bad, I'm outside dude. Your house is closer than my moms. And how busy could YOU be?

I rushed to the window and saw a familier face walking up the steps. "Oh no..."

Peridot looked at me. "What?" I glared back at her. "Uh... my friends here... gosh darnet I told him not to!" I ran to the door.

Cause you want alone time with the cutie, huh?

I growled, this time out loud. "Stop."

I opened the door to his stupid grinning face. "Long time no see man." I gave him an angry look. "Yeah, and you show up uninvited." I said it flatly, and glanced back to the kitchen, hoping peridot would stay in there.

"So what are you so BUSY with that you couldn't hang out with me?" He frowned, but stepped in.

"Its... it's complicated." He grinned. "Oh yeah, complicated has always been you. So you saw one huh?" He made a clear reference that I understood.

I opened my mouth to say something, but peridot walking out of the kitchen, and Emil turned. Both of them froze and I felt myself grow even more nervous.

But I was surprised even more when Peridot spoke.


Oh this is definitely getting better.

[Oooo yes a second update for today.

What's up with lapis's little Voice? How do Emil and Peri know eachother? What's gonna happen?

(Wiggles brows)]

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