Can't fool me.

288 11 22

Lapis POV.

Peridot peeked out the window, and though I didn't approve, I felt frozen where I was. I kept my eyes on the door, as if someone were to bust through any moment.

Peridot let the curtains back down, walking over to grab my arm. "Lapis... relax please? We don't have to answer. As long as we stay quiet..." but every part of me was tense.

I twitched slightly at her touch on my arm, but stayed where I was, alert.

They're coming for her. Protect.

I shook my head slightly, but narrowed my eyes at the door. Were they still there?

"Lapis... lapis!" She whisper shouted, tugging my arm slightly. I managed to glance down, seeing both concern and fear in her eyes.

"Lapis... your ears... your eyes... you need to calm down. You're gonna shift or something!" I blinked at her a few times. I glanced back at the door, before turning back and pushing Peri behind me slightly. I sat us on the couch, which took all my strength.

She kept one hand on my shoulder, which was actually pretty comforting. But things went from bad to worse.

"Oh peridoooot. You remember me from the party, right? Let me in."


I turned my head back to the door, Peri's grip on my shoulder tightening.

"Nix...." I whispered, my anger and hatred growing. How dare she come here!

"That's nix?" Peri seemed surprised. "She told me to run from you... or... I guess the others... at the party..." I looked back at the blonde, who was now looking down in thought.

"She threatened to hurt me...?"

"Yes..." I said it gently, before turning back to the door. "If it was nighttime I'd go out there and rip her to shreds" I growled.

"Lapis don't if you shift now everyone will see... that's not safe... hey." I turned back to her at her gentle hey.

She gave a small smile. "I'm fine, lapis. Calm down. I'm safe. You're safe. She can't get in. If she tries I guarantee one of the neighbors will see. She can't be that dumb. Relax..." she placed her other hand on mine, squeezing it a bit.

I knew she was right... but... no. She was. I couldn't shift. Not here. I moved my hands and rubbed my face, taking in deep breaths.

as I did so Peri used one hand to gently rub my back. I felt myself turn red a bit...but calm down nonetheless.

The closer she is the better. Never leave.

I shook my head, straitening up. I didn't look at her, but her hand moved away, so my ears and eyes must've gone away.

"I can smell you in there. You cant fool me lapis. Come out here." I clenched my fists and growled again. Peridot grabbed my arm, but I stood up, looking toward the door again.

I felt my claws come out as i stepped forward, peridot desperately trying to stop me to no avail.

"Lapis!" She hissed, running to the front of me and pushing on my chest. "Stop!" But my hatred for the girl on the other side of the door was stronger than my care for peridot.

She gave in, growling and glancing at the door before running upstairs. I stopped just at the door. I heard the faint click of Peri's door locking.

Good. She's safe up there.

I opened the door, grabbing Nix by the collar and pushing her back, stepping outside and slamming the door.

We stared at eachother for a moment, and I saw a flash of fear in her eyes before she looked slightly down, but keeping her eyes on me.

"They're looking for you."

"No shit. Why do you think I'm here?" I growled, feeling my ears flatten to my head.

Oh... oh no. My ears... if someone sees...

I grabbed her arm and pulled her to the side of the house, to get out of sight. I pushed her roughly against the wall.

"I told you to go. I don't want to see you." I narrowed my eyes, still growling.

"Temper much? I just got a little upset last time lappy... I didn't mean it... I care about you."

I scoffed. "Really? You threatened to kill her!"

" I just wanted you back!"

"And I told you we were never together. What about that don't you understand, Nix? Am i not saying it clearly?" I crossed my arms, trying to calm down.

"...then What about her?"

"What about her? I promised to keep her safe from the others. You know I owe emil..."

"That's not it. You know that's not the only reason." She stared seriously at me. "We both know what I mean."

I stayed silent, then stepped closer into her face. "It doesn't matter. My feelings don't matter."

"Oh? So you think you're worthless?"

"No. Not worthless. A monster. If I could go back I would've taken peridot straight home. This is all my mess. I'm trying to fix it."

"That girl has got a tighter hold on you than you think. I can see it. The others are talking about it. They're TAME."

"Don't call Emil that. He's been nothing but kind to me since that pack threw me out. Since my brother left. Hes more family than you, or anyone else, will ever be. I made the promise to HIM. Not her."

She stayed silent for a minute, and I was surprised when I saw a tear run down her cheek.

"I know I'm not the best person lapis. But at least I don't lie to myself." She shook a bit.

"One day the truth will come out and we'll see if your little girlfriend will want to stick around."

I clenched my fists tighter, growling under my breath. "She's not-"

"You care about her. I'm not blind." Her eyes got a bit sad, and she looked down. "More than you ever did for me. Though.... that's my fault, isn't it?"

I gave a small sigh. "I told you it doesn't matter. I can't have anything to do with anyone. I hurt everyone that gets close, nix. Like you."

I gestured to her, as she looked up.

"I don't like you. And I hurt you. My parents..." I sighed again. "Then my brother is gone now because of mistakes I made."

"I owe Emil this. That's all it is. After this..." I froze. I'll have to leave.

No. I should've left long ago.

"Well. I have a feeling, lapis, that things are going to get out of hand." She pushed past me, but stopped, turning back.

"Ill... I'll do what I can to stop them from coming into town or anything. I wouldn't wish death on anyone..." she gave a small smile. "Except when I'm slightly drunk and extremely emotional and angry."

I looked down for a second, finally feeling more calm. When I looked up she was gone.

So I went back inside.

[More filler-y than I planned but I wanted to post.

Also I'm rewatching a show called wolfblood. I'm feeling things I don't want to feeeeeel

Sad. I feel sad at how it's turning out.

1200 words oh wow.]

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