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Peridot POV.

"So you'll be back in... 3 weeks?" Emil nodded as he closed the door to his car and walked back over.

"I hate to leave in the middle of all this... But lapis will be here. And amythest will be watching you at school, okay? Don't go anywhere without one of them with you."

I opened my mouth to make a remark about not needing babysitters, but closed it quickly. I still didn't know how the packs worked, and I was happy I wouldn't be home alone.

"Mom has an extended business trip... I should be back before her." He placed a hand on my shoulder, his eyes getting a bit sad.

I just gave him a small smile, then wrapped my arms around and pulled him into a hug.

He chuckled a bit but hugged me back, patting my head then pulling away. "I'll be back. I promise." He glanced over to the front step, where lapis was leaning against the house just next to the door.

He waved, patted my shoulder, then made his way to his car and got in. It started up, and slowly pulled out before speeding away.

I stayed put for a second, then turned and walked back up the steps, giving a small smile to lapis. "Plan on staying there?"

He huffed, getting off the wall and stepping a bit closer. "I didn't want to intrude on a sibling goodbye." He opened the door, waiting until I stepped in, then followed and closed it behind him.

I went immediately to the couch, flopping onto it and letting out a tired sigh. Lapis came in after me, sitting In the chair.

"So... have you... always lived in the woods?" I found myself asking, still curios about him.

"Yeah. Though as I'm sure you've guessed I didn't always live out there alone." He gave a weak smile before leaning back.

"I..." I paused, wondering if I was being too nosy.

"Ask away, Peri. I'll answer. Probably. Unless it's something I don't know or I feel your brother should explain." He turned his head back to me and I smiled, flipping over and crawling to the end of the couch closest to him.

"Well... you and Emil kept talking about... nix? Who is that?" He tensed a bit, but relaxed.

"Shes... an old friend... I guess. Who is not so friendly. She threatened to harm you." I saw a flash of anger in his eyes, but he kept calm.

"When I was sleeping?"

He nodded.

"Oh." I thought for another moment, then set my head on my hand.

"Is she a werewolf?" To this he shook his head.

"No. She never told me what she was. Pixie would be my guess, but then again she ticked them off. I'm not really sure. Could also be a hybrid."

"What did she do then? To make everyone so mad?" He blinked at me, then sighed.

"I'm sorry... I'd rather not tell you. It's personal." I nodded, then flipped back over onto my back and stared up at the ceiling. The room fading into a strange silence.

"Your eyes..." I heard the chair shift a bit.

"Hmm?" I couldn't see him, but I'm sure he was looking my way.

"Sometimes... Your eyes change. They almost glow. Emil doesn't have that. So it's not a werewolf thing... right?"

"No. It's part of my other half. I was being honest when I said I didn't know what I was, I wish I did." He sounded a bit sad at the end, and I turned my head to see him looking at the ceiling as well.

"Were your parents nice?" I felt a little strange asking him personal things, but he smiled a bit as I said that.

"My mother was. My father wasn't around much the time he was there, and my brother was alright." He closed his eyes, and waited just a second before speaking again. "It was just me and him for so long."

"I miss him. He was... He was a good brother." Lapis turned to me, quickly wiping a tear, as if he didn't want me to see

"I'm sorry..." I apologised, but he shook his head, sitting up a bit.

"It's not your fault. Infact... Peri I kindof like hanging out with you. Not that we've done it much... or under the best conditions..." he chuckled a bit while rubbing his neck.

"Agreed. Though, I might be a bit biased because you've saved my life twice now." I gave a little wink then giggled, sitting up as well.

He seemed to freeze for a second, but smiled again, rubbing his neck. I layed back on my stomach, but he kept his eyes on me.

I tilted my head, moving my eyes back onto him fully. "Where did he go? Your... You're brother?"

Lapis thought for a moment, then shrugged. "never said. Just...left." he looked down at the ground. "A little over 5 years ago now."

"Wait how old are you? Werewolves age right?" He laughed a bit at my response, nodding.

"Yeah. I'm 19. Why?" I blushed a bit and chuckled nervously.

"Just... well you seem older... Like about emil's age? I mean I guess I just assumed..."

"That me and him were the same age?" I raised a brow, a smile still on his face. It felt nice to see him smiling. I felt like I had only seen his blank or worried faces before this.

"Yeah haha. Actually you're not much older than me. Huh." I sat up, thinking again.

I know my brother didn't want me to be a werewolf... But by odds it was a pretty solid chance right?

"Lapis... do you-" I was cut off by the doorbell. I groaned, but when I turned back lapis was already standing, his eyes a bright blue and his canines sticking out slightly.

I jumped and placed my hands firmly on his chest. "Lapis calm down... we don't know who it is..." I didn't want him to accidentally attack someone not threatening.

He froze there, but his eyes stayed on the door for a second before he looked down. His eyes... I felt myself shiver as ifelt drawn in by them. They were so-

My trance was broken by the doorbell ringing a few more times, and I heard a slight growl from lapis. I pushed him back gently, and slowly went to the window, peeking out.

What the... is that... the girl from the party?

[Ooo drama.

Also I just realized that voltron is also a show with gayness, and space, and aliens.


(Picture is my gay baby boys WHO DEFINITELY HAD A BONDING MOMENT OKAY?)

Okay bye]

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