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Peridot POV.

When Emil came out of the house, my nervousness grew. He stepped into the car and immediately started it, backing out of the driveway, then turning and contenuing down a long dirt road.

"Emil?" He didn't answer, focusing on the road, but after a few seconds he sighed.

"I'm sorry. I know you must be confused. About who L is, how I know him, why I freaked out..." he trailed off, and let out another sigh.

"I can't tell you. I'm sorry, Sis, but you two should never have met, and I just kinda flipped." He turned to me as hehe eased off the gas.

"He said you fell into the Cove?" I nodded, thanking lapis and god that he want along with me and lied for my behalf. But it bothered me.

Emil never kept secrets from me. We were extremely close, considering how far away he lived, and I had never thought he would keep a person secret.

"Why have you not told me about lapis? He seemed so nice..." before I could finish my sentence, my brother slammed the break and turned to me. The same anger was in his eyes.

"You aren't ever gonna see him again, peridot. He's dangorous... in... in his own way. Okay? He's my friend, but I don't want you or him anywhere near eachother.

I looked at him shocked, and saw him breathing in and out slowly, trying to calm down.

"Dangorous?" I whispered. How could he be dangorous? Emil stayed quiet for a minute before starting to drive again. The rest of our ride covered in a terrible silence.


Lapis POV.

I collapsed on my bed and groaned. Emil nearly did it. He could've killed me. And I screwed up, bad.

Why? Why did it have to be his sister? Of all the girls that could've fallen into the cove...

I take it more as a challenge. Besides, emil's always been a party pooper. I wonder if she would see you again?

I stuffed a pillow around my head. Trying to get rid of the voice. "Challenge? She's my only friends SISTER. and why would she EVER want to see me again? I'm just some random guy who creepily lives in the woods, saved her from freezing to death..."

And has an equally creepy problem. I sighed, flipping over onto my back.

Okay, but admit it. She was the cutest you've ever seen... and probably will ever see again.

As I stared up at the ceiling, I couldn't help but smile.

"Yeah... She really was."


Peridot POV.

My mother contenued to yell at me while Emil stood behind me.


By tomorrow I bet she'll have forgotten, and be sucked back up in her work.

Hell, I was even upset at Emil.

Both of them were really testing me. I didn't need more lectures. I learned my lesson. Don't drink and take dares.

even if you,


She finally finished, huffing, and pointed up the stairs.


"Go to my room?" I said with a harsh tone, walking past her and up the stairs. I hated this house. I hated HER.

I shut my door, and flopped onto my bed, bassicly screaming into my pillow. I turned my head, looking out my small window. I vould see my tree from here.

I sighed. I'd have to wait till mom went to bed.

I had to go get my phone, my shoes... my stuff. Amythest will probably have it, and will have tried as many times as possible to get into my phone


And maybe she would stick to her word. I really wanted to see the look on everyone's faces when they realized I had survived.

With a little help, of course.

[A/n hey guys.

I'm sorry for the POV skipping around it just fit with the story I'm going for.

Also I'm sorry for not posting yesterday, but I had a bit of writers block, and I had some family drama, and school sucks...

But here you go friends.

(Art by kaiken23)]

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