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Peridot POV.

I stared in disbelief.

"Emil?" He stared back at me, and L was just behind him, and he looked just as shocked. Emil shook his head, and walked over to me.

"Wait peridot what are you doing HERE? I thought you'd be at the house!" I felt myself panic. How was I supposed to tell him I was out drinking!?

"Uh... well... you see... its... uhh..." suddenly he whipped around, facing L. He had pure anger in his eyes, and L backed up.

"Emil, buddy. I swear I didn't..." Emil rushed forward, and grabbed L's collar, pushing him up against the wall. "Why is she here with YOU? LAPIS WHAT THE HELL?"

Lapis.... so his name was Lapis... I blinked, and suddenly rushed forward. "Emil What the hell calm down! He saved me from drowning!"

Ok so I kindof lied...

He looked back at me and dropped Lapis. Who backed away again, rubbing his neck. "Emil, you know me. I would never do that to some random girl man... wait how do you two know eachother?"

Emil still seemed upset, and raised his hands, yelling. "RANDOM GIRL!?!? L what the fuck she's my sister!" Lapis's eyes widened and he looked between us

"What?" Lapis deadpanned. He had a expression I could only discribe as Shocked and Afraid. He looked down, seemingly scanning the floor.

Emil turned to me. "What do you mean drown? Sis what happened?" I sighed.

"I... I mean... Emil please don't get mad...." he was staring at me, furious, and I couldn't help but feel he looked diffrent. His teeth...

Before I could look at them more he took in a deep breath and pinched the bridge of his nose. "I... I'm not. Ok? Look how about I just get you home. Wait in my car." I looked at him confused.

"What about you?" Emil turned back to lapis, who had his familier neutral expression.

"Me and him need to have a chat."

Lapis POV.

As soon as he said it I knew what he was gonna "chat" with me about. Peridot looked between us nervously, then turned and walked out the front door.

Me and Emil looked at eachother for a second, then I saw a familier glint of anger. "You promise. Nothing?"

Well it couldve been something~

I shook the voice away. "No. Hell I had to leave the house early because I didn't want to. I mean..." I sighed. "Ok... THAT part wanted to. I won't lie. But I stopped it. I swear."

Emil sighed too, running his hand through his hair. "I know how hard it must be, L. Thank you." I nodded. "You should know though, Emil, that I had NO idea she was your sister... I'm sorry."

He nodded, and walked towards me. "So was she telling the truth? About drowning?"

Not quite. She hadn't drowned in ME yet...

I made a slight growl, then took a deep breath. "Kinda. Let's just say she fell into the cove and I didn't feel like letting another soul die there."

His eyes widened. "Wait, fall? Why was she even near the cove?" He scratched his cheek. "She never listions to me...." he looked back up. "Thanks then. Ill... I'll come back later. I have to get that girl home..." he turned, walking to the door.

Just before he left though, he smiled back at me.

"Good luck, charmer."



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