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Peridot POV.

I felt a shiver go up my spine as lapis stepped closer.

"I have another secret." I realize he looks exhausted, and I tilt my head a bit.

"Good or bad?" After finding out he was a werewolf, I doubt it could be any weirder than that. Lapis's eyes flickered to a familier light blue, but he shook his head.

"I consider it a curse. But..." he sighed again. "Do... do you believe in cryptids? Or... I mean, legends? Or... god I don't know the word... there has to be a word..." he kept shaking his head.

It was a serious moment, but I felt my lip curl a little. It was funny how he was struggling.

"Myths. Or... creatures? I mean, before... I was a little skeptical... but I have a werewolf standing litarally in front of me, so... I guess?"

He smiled a bit, and nodded. "Right. Uh... yeah. But... most of them are... real..." he paused, then took a deep breath and looked into my eyes. "We hide. Some of us can hide among humans, but some... including me, cant."

I tilted my head again. "Ok... Why? Can you not control when you... like... turn?"

He thought for a second, then shook his head. "No... I can control turning fine... its.. it's my... uh... other half..." he looked away, and I could see red go to his cheeks.

He was blushing? "Other half?" What he had like multiple personality disorder?

He seemed to tense up, and twitched a bit, before he looked back up. "Well... im... I'm only HALF werewolf..."

He winced, putting a bit more pressure on his chest wound. I looked down worryingly while thinking about it. So one of his parents was a werewolf... and I'm gonna assume he isn't half human.

I put my hand on his shoulder. "Sit back down lapis... don't strain yourself..." I pushed him gently back, against slight resistance before he gave in and layed down on the couch again.

I sat on the edge by his waist, and looked worryingly at his wound. "So... if you're Half werewolf... what else are you?" I looked up at his face.

"Well... I don't know for sure. My dad didn't stick around long. By the time I was 8 I was pretty much an orphan..." he froze, and looked at me. "I mean my brother took care of me..."

I felt my heart ache. "I can't imagine..." well... techniccly I could. But lapis had lost both parents, versus just one.

I had often wondered though if I would be better off living with my brother. Not that mother would allow it...

I put my hand on his. "I'm so sorry..." he looked away, and I thought I saw his eyes change again, but I wasn't sure. "Its... it's fine. Look, I didn't want to make this a pity story."

He looked back into my eyes again. A bit more calm. "The point is whatever my dad was is clearly also in me... and it's why your brother wants you to stay away from me."

I narrowed my eyes in confusion, and lapis sighed. "I... I've thought about it. And I've come up with a few diffrent theorys... but I can't PROVE anything. But i... it's something I can't control."

He sat up slightly, my hand twitched. I hated him doing that. "Its... it's kindof an instinct? It's hard to explain."

"Why is it bad? I don't understand lapis." An instinct to what?

"Its.. well... like I said it's hard to explain. But... but the ability that comes with it... allows me to uh... heal."

"So what do you need to do? What can I do to help? I feel guilty. You've saved me twice now and it's my fault you're hurt..."

I noticed my hand was still on his, because his hand underneath mine twitched. "I... I've done it before. On you, I mean. twice now... its kindof like... i take your energy?"

He was blushing a bit again, and my mind started racing. The blackouts. The night he saved me and yesterday, when we met in the woods...

"I..." what was I supposed to say?

"You don't have to. It's okay. I... I can get it other ways..." he looked away, but I tightened my grip on his hand and he looked back up. "No... i... well... just... lapis..." I was stuttering... Why?

"I... no. This is my fault. And... it doesn't really hurt... it just makes me really tired." I hoped that was the case. Before he wasn't bleeding. "How... how does it work? What do I need to do?"

He relaxed a little, and had a surprised look on his face. There was a pause, and his eyes changed. They were light blue again. He leaned forward, then pulled me closer into a sort of hug. I stiffened, but relaxed.

Now that I knew, I did notice myself getting a bit weaker. My eyes were already beginning to droop, and I couldn't help but lean my head into his neck.

He was really warm...


Amythest POV. (WHAAAAAT)

"PERIDOOOOOOT." I screamed. Why did I think I could beat a Olympic worthy runner? I sighed, then growled.

"This is all my fault..." I felt a tug on my shirt and turned around.

"You sound like pearl. Amythest this isn't your fault. Besides... if they had gotten her, we would've heard howls. She's alive somewhere." He gave a reassuring smile, then walked a little ahead of me.

"I don't know what's even gotten into that girl though steven... ever since that party..."

"...which was a pretty stupid idea..." he added, ducking down to look into a log.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm aware. But she's acted weird. She got all defensive, and distant... and then the second I mention a party she scrambles to get there?"

Steven shrugged. "I mean almost dying is a big deal, A. Maybe she's having a bit of a crisis. Realizing she may need to right wrongs or something."

I stopped in my tracks and looked down. "What if I'm one of those wrongs...?" I pulled my hand into a fist. "I'm not smart like her, I'm not active like she is... I'm annoying, I make innapropriate jokes..."

Steven turned, and I looked up. "What if she realized that she's better and doesn't want to be my friend?" I let my eyes droop.

Steven narrowed his eyes. "Amythest, you're overreacting. You and her have been best friends since 2nd grade, right? I don't think you can just break a bond like that. Not over something like this."

I shifted on my feet. "I... I guess you're right but..." he walked back and put both his hands on my shoulders. "No, I am right. Peridot is still your best friend, and we're gonna find her."

He smiled and relaxed his hold. "And there are no BUTS about it."

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