
444 19 11

Lapis POV.

I sighed, laying on to my roof while looking up. Stars fluttered in the sky and I scanned, looking for any familier constalations.


I sighed louder, trying to ignore it, but couldn't focus anymore and gave up.

Are we gonna get off the roof now?

"FINE. Fine..." I sat up "i just wanted to look at the stars..." I whispered. I slid down and landed, standing back up and trudging toward the front door.

Boo hoo. Someone is acting poutier than usual.

I didn't give the voice any answer, but made my way to the kitchen, and opened the fridge.

Ah. Remember this morning?

I shut my eyes, breathing deeply.

C'mon, admit it. She was adorable.

"And off limits." I growled, grabbing a soda before closing the fridge. "You should know this by now..."

I froze.

"I should know this by now..."

Yeah yeah... same old loner code. No fun.

"I'm not a complete loner... what about Greg? And Emil, if he chooses not to hold anything against me. Steven too."

Sure, but that doesn't make you any less lonely... does it?

I stayed quiet again for a second, then growled. "This is stupid. Why don't you ever go away?"

And once again, I received the same answer I had gotten for so many years.


I layed my head down, pushing the unopened soda away. "Right..."

Do you think she knows? She seemed pretty and clueless when Emil flipped out on you.

"Don't you mean pretty clueless?"

You heard me.

Part of me wanted to laugh at his sass, but I growled instead. "Probably not. Then again, I didn't even know he HAD a sister before today... they may be half siblings."

I looked down. "She may not be like he is. Like I am."

No one is like you. That's the point.

"Then what good does it serve trying to fix something that's unfixable? Why dwell on this. You could focus on more important things. Like food. Or entertainment. Something OTHER than a girl."

You do a good job with that. But you refuse to follow me when I give you hints. Tips.

I laughed. "Tips? You're more like an extremely horny inner voice. And you wonder why I don't listion?"

I set the drink back in the fridge and walked up the stairs.

Well is it my fault you've gone 19 years of life without so much as a kiss? Even to the cheek? You push girls away like a disease.

"Because I don't want to hurt them. And I'm pretty sure you'd be driving me insane on every date I go on." I closed the bathroom door, removing my hoodie.

"And the fact that I don't believe you're an 'instinct. I think demon is a better word. A sex demon. It's all you ever talk about. Girl after girl, time after time. For YEARS."

I slid the rest of my clothes off and turned on the shower, making sure it was cold.

But she was different. Cmon, even you must've seen it... her eyes, you didn't look in her eyes!

"That's not true. I..." I paused, realizing he was right. I had avoided her eyes as to not use my ability.

"I didn't want to... you know why!" I stepped in, ruffling my dyed blue hair under the freezing water.

Then why? Why not just take her to town and dump her? Huh? No. I didn't say anything. But you brought her here. You took her to the place that No one but our... kind has ever been.

You did that. You made that decision, not me.

I pressed my head against the shower wall, cursing myself under my breath, before whispering.

"I never wanted this..."

[ hey sinners, just wanted to say some things.

Firstly, the direction I first started for this story has changed as i wrote it, and it's gonna get into a deeper plot.

(You start to see a diffrent view this chappy.)

Second, I still feel bad for the random 2 weeks of inactivity even though honestly I've posted so many chapters these last... oh what... 3-4 months that it shouldn't really matter.

And thirdly, I have a new book coming around sometime, but I will not be publishing it for awhile because I want to have 5 chapters for it done before I do.

It's called "silent pain" and I posted the cover for it on this account somewhere.

Maybe look for a teaser or Sneak peak of chapter one, but don't expect a full chapter release for awhile.

Thanks for reading guys I love it so much when you guys comment and make my day.

(Edit- I went back and fixed the voices dialogue... it was supposed to be italic... whoops)


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