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[A/N Ok so I said I was doing long chapters, but I already had 2 chapters for deep blue written so imma post them both today as a sorry for inactivity. Look for second one later today ^-^]

Peridot POV.

I opened my eyes, confused. I was laying in a bed... wait... but...


I sat up, looking around. I appeared to be in some kind of... cabin? How did I get here...

I couldn't remember... I was at a party... wasn't I? How drunk did I get? I saw clothes on the end of the bed with a note, and I picked it up.


If you wake up while I'm gone, I found some clean dry clothes. I assume you'll want to get out of your water soaked ones.

Also, please, remain in that room. I left some water in there, and if you're hungry, I hide some snacks in the bedside drawer.


L? who the hell is L?

Oh no... did i... no, no I... did I sleep with someone? Who did I know that had a name starting eith L?

I got a sudden headache and groaned. Whoever This was, he was right. I was soaking wet, thirsty, and practicly starving.

I slipped on the pale grey Tee and black capris, then chugged half of one of the 3 water bottles on the nightstand, i was gasping, and i sat back on the bed.

What HAPPENED last night?


Lapis POV.

After I had layed the sleeping girl in my guest room, I had to get out. I couldn't be in the same place and hold back my instincts. I threw on a hoodie and shoved my hands in my pockets, walking farther from the cabin I felt calmer.

I wonder if she had woken yet? I hope she reads the note. I could see the sun slowly coming up, and I checked my watch.

Almost 7 am. How long had I been gone? I sighed. Half of me wanted to go back, but the other half didn't. I didn't want to use my powers on her, it would end badly.

But the problem was, I couldn't control. Not like so many before me had. And since my brother Jay had left and my parents passed, I spent most of my time trying to figure it out myself.

Stupid curse.

No, not a curse. An ability, but god did it feel like a curse. I hated being me. I hated having no control, and I hated how I had let myself get so close to this girl. Physicly, of course.

It had taken all my energy to not... I sighed. No, I need to get back. I need to take her home. I can get rid of her and not worry about it.

I watched the sun slowly set as i leaned against a tree.

I closed my eyes for a second, letting everything fade away.... it was quiet. I liked it. I liked how I could find peace out here.

But did I really have a choice?

[A/n ooooo wut wut

Also I'm sorry I wanted to share this beuatiful picture.

It's my Civics teacher on halloween. She taught us in a monkey head for half the class it was great XD]

Deep Blue (Lapidot human/Genderswap SU Fancfic)Where stories live. Discover now