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[Wowzers been a while woopsie poopsie I hate school

Enjoy guys.(or girls, probs lol)]

Peridot POV.

Okay... That's weird. I was trying to make him less sad, but now it felt like my heart was beating out of my chest.

And the fact that, although I'm pretty sure I ran 20 something laps, I wanted to run more... much more.

So as lapis stood up, I looked him over, before staring at the track again.


He stopped, a few steps away, turning back with a sad look in his eyes. His face though, was blank. As usual.

"Yeah? You feel okay?" I saw a glimmer of concern in his eyes and he took a half step back towards me.

I blushed a bit, chuckling nervously. "Yeah I'm fine just... can we stay a bit longer? So I can... run?" I Gave him a hopeful look, a small smile on my face.

It made me feel like a child, but I was not gonna get in any trouble or worry him again.

Did he just blush?

No that's ridiculous.

He coughed, then walked over to sit on the bleachers. "Of course." I watched for a second. He seemed to zone out, but he was also clearly listening.

Maybe it's a werewolf thing.

I stretched my arms, and smiled as i lined myself back on the track.


Lapis POV.

How cute can she actually be? I knew she wasn't meaning to, but EVERY time she got slightly nervous her cheeks turned a warm red, and her eyes almost sparkled.

So I just sat, trying not to stare, but listening intently. Her feet hitting the ground became a pattern. If it get disrupted, I'll look up.

But there was something else. I'd never seen a human run like this. I mean sure she's a hybrid, but from the human/werewolf hybrids I've seen, (more than you'd think) none have just nickpicked abilities.

And I wasn't educated, but I was leaning toward her being one.

Emil told me to fill him in on something like this... but he'd freak out. He'd rush home and stir up everyone.

This whole ordeal was getting more dangorous.

You've been through worse. With less company. You aren't alone.

"We could be on the edge of a pack war and you're thinking about HER. we have more pressing problems." I whisper-growled.

Though, I guess nix was right. I would never say it out loud...

But I felt pulled toward Peri. It was more than. The voice, or pure instinct, a mix of both, and something else.

And as much as I knew about werewolves, my other half, and probably some ability were unknown to me.

I heard a slight speed up in her foot pattern and glanced up. She was fine, but running faster, coming toward me. I didn't move, and she hopped up on the bleachers, doing as backfill then laughing.

That's definitely not normal.

She was hopping slightly, almost in anticipation, and...


I stood immediately. "Peridot."

She looked up, but smiled. "Lapis? I'm fine, sorry. Just... I feel..." she laughed a bit again, about to take off, but I grabbed her hand

She turned, looking at where I had grabbed her before looking back at me. "What are you doing?"

"We need to go home. Right now."

Okay yeah I agree with that plan.

She scoffed, attempting, but failing to pull her hand free. "Let go!"

Instead I grabbed her other wrist. "Peri stop. Calm down."

That's when I got confirmation. Her eyes flashed, and she growled again, pulling harder as i tightened my grip.

This is sudden.

This is bad.

Get. HOME.

"Peridot please just calm down we need to go home somethings happening." She huffed a bit, balling her hands into fists.

"What do you mean? Stop!" She pulled again, but she glanced at her hands and froze.

"Wha..." she looked at her other hand, and I released them, hoping she understood.

"Lapis...?" Her voice was a bit shaker, and she looked back up a me.

Peridot POV.

I panted heavily as i followed lapis. My newfound energy was now a nervousness gnawing at me, and I felt almost desperate to get home.

Lapis opened the door, reaching it before me and I ran in, him following and closing the door.

I began to pace, looking at my hands.

They were diffrent. My nails looked slightly pointer, and my fingers seemed just a tad shorter.

I breathed heavily. Feeling myself panic

Today was just a dream Right? I was gonna wake up, not be in trouble, not get mashed p otatos on my shoulder, and not be...

A werewolf.

It felt strange, even though I knew it was a posssibilty.

I whimpered a bit, but suddenly felt lapis grip my hands. I glanced up. "Lapis... i-im a..."

"It's okay. Calm down, Peri. Freaking out isn't helping." He said it quite gently, slightly squeezing my hands.

"Is anywhere hurting? Neck, back, feet?" He seemed a bit more frantic as he said it.

"N-no... I just..." i took a deep breath, letting my shoulders relax. "I don't feel anything. Just... I have so much energy..."


"What?" I looked back at lapis but he gave me a puzzled look.

"What do you mean, what?"

"Didn't you just... say something?"

Move. Run. Go.

I looked around. "Who..."

"Instinct. It's saying run, right?" I looked at lapis.

"You... wait what?"

He sighed. "Werewolves have a sortof... inner voice. Your instinct. It's diffrent from a humans. All this energy... it wants you to run."

"Do you have it?"

He froze, and I swear i saw him turn slight red as he finally let go of my hands. "I... yeah. Mines... a little diffrent... That's not the point."

He glanced back up and grabbed my sleeve, leading me toward behind the stairs.


"Your brother showed me this once... Maybe it'll help. It's no forrest..." he opened the wall.

"We have a secret room!?"

I looked at him, utterly shocked. How much else is Emil and Lapis hiding from me?



1036 WORDS.

Also the picture is a hint for maybe another story


Deep Blue (Lapidot human/Genderswap SU Fancfic)Where stories live. Discover now