Once in forever

637 19 4

[ A/N sinners please forgive for the late update I forgot and have a band thing tonight.

I want to do something though.

If you guys go and ask me... 3 questions on my ASK ME STUFF book, I'll post another deep blue chapter tomarrow.

LOVE you guys.]

Lapis POV.

I sighed, watching the cloud of breath become visible. I closed my eyes, listioning to the quiet...

Except tonight it wasn't quiet. I growled in annoyance as i heard chanting. I rolled over onto my back and stood up, looking to the top of the cliff. There it was. A huge crowd of drunken teenagers.

Typical. Come to look into the cove. I scoffed and sat down, crossing my legs criss cross and watching them. One stepped closer to the edge.

A little TOO close.

I tried to write it off. Probably a challenge to see who went closest to the edge. But the person didn't move back. They stood there for a solid two minutes, the chanting contenuing the whole time. I strained, but couldn't quite hear what they were saying.

The figure on the edge turned, and a sudden cheer broke from the crowd. I squinted, trying to see why, but it didn't take long for me to see. The figure turned back around, and hopped off.

I stood up, panicking. Why would a human do such a stupid thing!? They hadn't dared to since the beast got those three boys so long ago...

I debated whether I should go. If I did, I might just be able to save the person, but on the other hand, the beast might have gotten them by now...

I was already running.


I had never felt such a pull to go to the dreadful place. Something... I had to go. I told myself it was the hope that the human might still be alive, but there was little chance of that.

No, it... it was an energy... Something calling me... I couldn't HEAR it... I could just feel it. It almost made me shiver.

I reached the entrance and focused, the entrance opening as i ran through. I looked down into the dark water. There was no immediate sight or smell of blood and death, so I walked down, using my own steps I created with the waterfall. The water was really cold, but I was used to it.

I stepped off and looked.

To my surprise, a figure was crouched, hugging their knees, on the other side of the peice of shore I stood on. I made my way over.

It was a girl, a blonde. She had her face in her knees, but she was shivering and wet.

How did she escape the beast? I looked toward the water, looking for movement, but... nothing. I turned back to her and gently brushed her knee.

She jumped back, raising up her arms is on a loose defense, but lowered them instantly standinh up. I stayed crouched.

"H-hello! How... how did you get down here? Do you know a way out? I'm kinda stuck... I don't wanna die here!" I chuckled, smiling, and stood, taking a step forward. Something about this girl...

I felt myself begin. Why now? No, it's fine. I can control it until I get her to safety... I hope. I layed my hand on her shoulder, as she stared into my eyes. They must be drawing her in. dahmit... no, I have to stay calm....

She shivered a bit, and I stepped even closer, lifting her face up gently. Her eyes were a forest green, and they were completely focused on me.

"You're safe now." I moved my hand from her shoulder to her head, petting her hair, she shivered again "So... cold..."

She was slowly freezing to death. I shook my head slightly and picked her up, I need to get her out of here.

She wrapped her arms around my neck about when we started back up the waterfall, and i gave a small chuckle.

She was weakening, and so was my power to hold back my instinct. She rested her head against my shoulder sleepily. And before I could stop myself, I was whispering in her ear.

"I'll take care of you."


[Art by treker 402. GET it lapis~]

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