1 - New Girl

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A/N: All picture credit goes to the owners of the picture

"Mooom-uh, why do I need to move to a new school? Can't I just stay in my school as my birthday present? Pleaseee," I begged on my knees during breakfast.

That day was not just my first day moving into a new school, it was also my birthday.

I knew that my request was impossible because there's no way that the headmaster would take me back after what I did to his daughter, but the horror of being a new girl who's also a well-known troublemaker was blinding me.

I had a really bad beef with Jessie, the headmaster's daughter from my previous school.

She was messing with my friends!

"This move is a good start for you to reflect on your mistake

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"This move is a good start for you to reflect on your mistake. Take it as your birthday present," my mom didn't even bat an eyelid and continued peeling some apples instead.

I wasn't the one at fault, and my mom knew it, but it's the headmaster's daughter that we're talking about. The headmaster was so mad he planned to kick both me and my mom out of the school, because my mom was also a teacher there. After a lot of begging, he finally settled with keeping my mom at the school, but still kicking me out and banned me from all public school in town as the punishment. So going into a private school was my only option if I wanted to continue my study.

"Besides it's easier for your brother to look after you, if you guys are in the same school, and it's a good school" she continued when she saw me pouted.

My new school is actually the best school in town, that's why my brother studied there. I didn't go there initially, because all of my friends went to my school. I was too lazy to make new friends. Besides I heard a lot of bad rumors about the kids in the new school. And after what happened, they certainly heard about me too.

"But it's not my fault," I pouted.

"I know it's unfair, but it could've been worse. So now don't play dumb and get your ass moving, or you're gonna be late" she said as she ruffled my hair.

She's right. Good thing I had exceptional academic scores, so I could still get into a good private school despite what happened. And my mom could also still keep her job. So I better be grateful.

"Oh, this is actually happening" I said to myself as I stood in front of the gate, still refusing to accept the fact.

Then my brother dragged me to the teachers' office when he saw me daydreaming.

"Alright, your teacher will bring you inside" my brother said after we met with my teacher in her office, "I'm gonna have a basketball practice today, so I won't be able to walk you home" he continued.

"Huhuhu. Don't leave me" I whispered as I grabbed his shirt.

"Hahaha. You're too big to whine, you'll be fine. Be good. Have a great day!" he said as he ruffled my hair before he left.

The fright was getting more real when I saw my brother's back slowly getting out of my sight.

"Come on, I'll introduce you to the class" my teacher said as she opened the class door.

"This is it" I said in my mind as I gulped.

As we came inside the class, I was so nervous, I kept staring at the floor. I heard the kids was starting to whisper among each other about me being a troublemaker after the teacher introduced me to the class.

"I'm so doomed" I said in my mind as I shut my eyes tightly.

"(y/n), (y/n)!" the teacher called me as she shook my body. I was so scared, I didn't hear her.

"Go ahead, introduce yourself" she continued.

"Hello everyone, my name is (y/n), nice to meet you" I said as I bowed before finally looked up to them.

"WHAT? Did I go to the wrong school? Why is everyone so good looking? Is this a modelling school or what?" I wondered in my mind, as I was squinting my eyes, blinded by their visuals. I could literally see lights sparkling from their faces.

And among everyone, I saw one that was particularly stood out.

Troublemaker - Kang DanielWhere stories live. Discover now