21 - Tired

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A/N: The name in bold (e.g. Me:) indicating text messages.

"Fine. I'll let you do what you wanna do. But, I'll also do what I have to do," my brother said before he headed to the door.

I got up to stop him, too abruptly, my body couldn't take it. I fell on the floor. I was conscious, but I couldn't move. My body was still weak.

I saw my brother came back and shook my body to get my response, but I couldn't. Then I saw Daniel opened the door, then ran towards me and picked me up. I wondered since when was he behind the door, and was he listening to ..., until it went blank again. I was so tired with everything.

Third person P.O.V

"Since when were you behind the door?" Brian asked.

"I came back to get my bag, but I heard you guys were arguing," Daniel said.

"Please don't tell anyone about what you heard and that (y/n) fainted again," Brian said.

"Yes, I won't. May I know what happened yesterday?" Daniel asked.

Then he told him what happened.

"I'm so useless. I can't even protect my own sister. She's always be the one who protected me since we're a kid, because I'm too weak," Brian said.

"No, that's not true. I'm sure you also tried everything you could to protect her. Don't worry, we'll find a way," Daniel said.

End of Third person P.O.V

When I regained my consciousness, everyone was already back in the room. I was glad seeing that they're not panicking. It means my brother and Daniel didn't tell them about what happened.

Then we parted ways when the doctor allowed me to go home. My brother didn't say a thing nor look at me during the trip home.

Meet me at recess tomorrow. Same alley

Alright. Something's wrong?

Just be there

"I wonder what happened," I thought when I read Dongho's text from earlier that day. He seemed cold in his text.

The next morning I insisted to go to school, because exams were coming up. Then my parents agreed.

At recess, Dongho was already waiting at the alley when I got there. His face was stiff.

"Hey, is there something, Argh!" I screamed and flinched when I saw he launched a fist to my face. When I opened my eyes, I was shocked because I didn't feel any pain. Then I saw Dongho was bleeding, because he punched the wall right beside my face.

I fell down because my feet got weak. I was so scared, I really thought that he's gonna punch me.

"I thought you wanted to get the beating instead of your brother, sweetheart? How do you plan to handle it, if you're already this scared when I was just playing with you?" he asked as he pulled my chin up.

"W-w-why are you like this?" I stuttered. I was totally scared by him.

"Hahaha. You asked me why am I like this? Well how do you expect me to behave when I know that my girlfriend is cheating on me? Tell me!" he yelled.

"W-w-what are you talking about? I never ..." I pleaded.

"Don't lie to me! I saw you and Daniel yesterday!" he shouted. "Hahaha. I came back because I felt bad for not sending you home. But I saw Daniel hugged you, and you weren't even resisting," he said.

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