4 - Sanction

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"Why did you say that? I know you didn't do your homework before class" I asked as we walked to the teachers' office.

"They're too noisy. Besides, yesterday is also counts as before class, right?" he said as he smirked.

"Woah, you're right. Anyway, thank you for what you did, and I'm sorry that I dragged you into this" I said and he smiled.

The teacher asked us why we did it and we told her what happened. Then she said that she actually doesn't mind, as long as it's done by the time she asks for it. But she couldn't just let us went by without any sanctions, because the other kids would make fuss about it. So she told us to clean the classroom after school for a week.

"Happy birthday. Sorry that you got sanctions instead of gifts for your birthday" he said as we walked back to the classroom.

"Thanks. It's okay. I already got a lot of gifts yesterday, and I'm just glad that we didn't get into much trouble. Sorry that you have to go through it too" I said.

"Hahaha. You think I'm that nice? Of course you're gonna do my part too" he said as he chuckled.

"WHAT?" I glared and he smirked. "He's so annoying, but I'd probably get into a bigger trouble if he didn't help me earlier" I said in my mind.

Then he looked back and signaled me to look at the kids when we came into the classroom.

I was too busy glaring at him, I didn't notice everyone was staring at me. When I went to my seat, I saw a bunch of good looking girls gathering around Pamela.

"(y/n), this is Jojo, my gang leader" Pamela introduced her and I bowed.

"So, I selected you to become part of our gang. Congratulations" she said.

"Pfft" I snorted, "I'm sorry, I'm not really into the gang thing" I said.

"Oh, don't worry, you don't choose the gang, the gang chose you" she said before she left.

I gasped as I couldn't believe the bullshit that I just heard. "Hang in there, it can't be any worse than this, can it?" I said in my mind.

Then I saw Pamela was smiling happily.

"Did something good happen?" I asked.

"I had so many troubles because my previous desk mate wasn't in the same gang as me. But now that you've become part of us, I don't need to worry anymore" she explained.

"Yay" I said, pretending to be amused. "So which one is your former desk mate?" I asked.

"Oh, Catherine couldn't stand that Jojo turned everyone against her. So she moved" she said lightly.

"Jojo what?" I gasped. I was shocked that this pretty and nice lady seemed to think that what Jojo did is normal.

"Jojo convinced everyone to ignore her,
when she found out that Catherine likes Kang Daniel" she whispered.

"Kang, who?" I asked.

"Kang Daniel, the guy who went to the teacher's room with you" she explained.

"Oh, so he is Jojo's boyfriend" I said as I drank water because my throat was dry, listening to all of the madness.

"No. Daniel is single. But Jojo has a big crush on him since a long time ago" she answered.

BFWOOO. The water from my mouth burst all over the place because I was choked by her answer. "WHAT? They're not even together, but Jojo did that just because Catherine likes him?" I whisper-shouted before I apologized then wiped the mess and she nodded.

I rolled my eyes so hard, "Oh, this is beyond my sense" I said in my mind as I grasped my hair.

Then I took a glance at the so called Kang Daniel. He was sleeping, as always. But I gasped when he suddenly opened his eyes and looked at me right in the eyes. Then he winked and smirked before went back to sleep.

"Oh, I feel so dizzy. The whole thing is just too ridiculous, I don't think I can handle it much longer. Please let me out of here!" I screamed in my mind.

Troublemaker - Kang DanielWhere stories live. Discover now