6 - Immature

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I sat beside Jinyoung. He's sooo handsome.

"Your face is so small, like Jinyoung. Look, even my palm is bigger than your face" Daniel said as he covered my face with his palm, then I yanked his hand.

"Oh and you're so teeny tiny like Sungwoon. Hahaha" Daniel continued mocking me.

"Hey! You want to get beaten?" Sungwoon said as he got up.

"Yeah, let's kick some balls" I agreed as I got up. Then we both saw each other and laughed because Daniel was right.

"Oh you have a snaggletooth on your lower teeth. You and Woojin can merge and be half dracula" Daniel said still mocking me.

"HEY! Cut it out, will you!" I yelled. Then I noticed Woojin was looking at me. The next thing I knew we were already playing hide and seek with our snaggletooth, so weird.

"And you squealed like Jaehwan!" Daniel said.

"Oh, I gave up. You're so immature" I said.

"Hahaha. You nag like Jisung. Must be because you both are old" Daniel said.

At that point I already gave up in reacting to his mockery, so I decided to play along. "Hi! Nice to meet you same age friend!" I said happily.

I was also older compare to the average kids in the class, because of some trouble that I made in the past. So I was so happy when I knew Jisung has the same age as me.

Jisung greeted me happily. Then we talked about things that the others didn't understand. "I'm so happy, finally someone understand what I'm saying" Jisung said as he stretched out his arm and I hugged him, until someone threw a popcorn on us, repeatedly. Of course, it's Daniel.

"Hey! Don't make a mess!" Minhyun and I said at the same time.

"Ooow. So Minhyun and (y/n) both don't like mess. Why don't you guys date? You look so cute together" Seongwoo said.

"Oh, I love you Seongwoo. How could you read my mind?" I thought. I saw Minhyun was blushing. Oh, he's so cute.

Then Daniel suddenly dumped the whole popcorn on the floor then stuck his tongue out to mock me.

"The Fuck dude! I already swept the floor, and why would you waste food?" I said. My foodie heart was breaking when I saw innocent popcorns had to be sacrificed for Daniel's immaturity.

"Why would you throw away my precious popcorn?" Jihoon asked as he's crying when he scooped up the popcorn trying to save them from the death but it's too late.

"Guys, my head really hurts. Can you guys please just go and let me do my job here? I really wanna go home and sleep" I begged.

They finally got up and headed to the door. Then I grabbed Guanlin's hand. He hadn't say a word after his introduction.

"Hey, nice to meet you. Thank you for being normal" I said and he smiled. I'm also an awkward person, so I wanted to make him feel more at ease around me.

"Let me help you clean up" Minhyun said suddenly.

"Oh it's okay, you don't have to" I said but he insisted. I thought it was my lucky day as I got to spend some time alone with Minhyun, until I saw Daniel came back and snatched the broom from Minhyun's hand.

"Hey, this is my job. Shoo shoo" he said as he forced Minhyun out then closed the door.

"Now, you can do your job properly my dear" Daniel said.

"My dear your ass! You said this is your job. If you're not gonna help, at least let Minhyun ..." I said.

"Alright alright" he cut my words.

He swept the floor for like 5 seconds before he rode the broom pretending it's a magic broom and ran around the classroom.

"Are you a wizard now?" I teased.

"Oh, let me introduce myself. My name is Harry Pote, princess" he said as he bowed and grabbed my hand then kissed the back of my palm.

Then I played along by bending my knees and pulling up my skirt slightly.

Suddenly he pulled out the broom, holding it like a sword and we both ended up clashing the imaginary swords. Then I tripped and fell on my back. He put the broom stick next to my neck.

"Any last word princess?" he asked.

"Yes. You're so immature" I said.

"So are you" he said, then we chuckled. "Are you okay?" he said as he helped me up.


"Aw" I said as I opened my eyes. The next thing I knew, I was already laying on top of Daniel. He was staring at me, and again I couldn't escape from his eyes.

A/N: Some of the scenes inspired by PD101 Season 2, Happy Together, and Wanna One Go - Zero Base

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