38 - Stupid

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I opened my eyes slowly when I felt sudden brightness in my sleep.

"Hum?" I grunted as I was scrubbing my squinty eyes, trying to adjust with the sudden contrast of brightness.

Last time I remembered, the house was still dark because of the blackout. I fell asleep on the couch at Daniel's living room for crying too much.

"I think the lights got back up ... Argh!" I squealed as I jumped from my seat.

I was shocked when I saw Daniel was sitting beside me.

"I'm sorry. Please don't kick me out. I don't know where else to go, my mom didn't let me come home," I begged as I grabbed his hand.

He chuckled lightly.

"Of course I won't. So why did she do that?" he asked as he's fixing my hair.

I wasn't sure what to do because he was touching me so gently. I wondered if he already forgave me.

"Apparently she loves you more than she loves me," I tried to launch a joke as I smiled.

He replied with a smile before slowly looking down. I could feel doubt and hesitation when he's biting his lips.

"So ... do you think her daughter also loves me?" he finally asked as he looked up to me.

"Of course she does. I love you. I do. Please don't ever doubt that. I love you with all of my heart, to the moon and back. I'm sorry. I was stupid for hurting you, and keeping things from you. Please. Give me another chance," I begged tearful as I cupped his cheeks.

"Why do you keep asking for another chance? Do you think that I wanna break up with you?" he asked as he cupped my hands on his cheek.

"You don't?" I asked hesitantly.

I was crying because I thought that it's over between us.

Then he smiled as he stroked my hand on his cheeks. He kissed my palms before holding them as he looked at me.

I gulped as I was waiting nervously for his answer.

"I told you, I won't let you go that easily. Good luck trying to get away from me. You won't be able to do that," he said as he poked my nose.

He chuckled when I just blinked with my mouth opened as I looked at him in disbelief. I still couldn't believe my eyes and ears.

"So ... you still ... want to see me ... and speak to me?" I asked nervously.

"Of course. I'm gonna miss you so much if I don't, Silly," he said as he pinched my cheek lightly.

"So ... y-y-you're not ... breaking up ... with me?" I asked, totally terrified.

"Why would I wanna break up with you, Princess? I love you so much," he said as he rested his forehead and nose on mine.

"I'm sorry," I said as I finally bursted in tears as I hugged him.

"Ouh. I know. It's okay. Don't cry," he said as he patted my back.

"I'm sorry. I was stupid," I cried as I squeezed him tightly.

"You're not stupid. You just won a competition and set a new record in the history of the competition on your first try. If that's not bright, I don't know what is," he said as he stroked my hair.

I smiled a little as I tightened my squeeze on him. I was so relieved that it's not over between us.

Then he released himself from my hug.

"You just need to learn how to trust your loved ones more. It's okay to share your pain and be vulnerable. We're gonna find a way and get through it together. That's what we're here for," he said as he wiped my tears.

I nodded as I looked down.

"So, promise you're gonna try to be more open to us and let us to protect you too?" he asked as he pulled my chin up.

I nodded.

Then he smiled before planted a kiss on my forehead.

"I miss you," I said as I hugged him.

"I miss you too," he replied as he squeezed me tight.

Suddenly ...


My stomach decided to fucking growl in that very romantic and touching moment.

"Are you hungry?" he asked as he wiped his tears for laughing too hard.

I nodded shyly.

"Alright. Let's eat. I'm hungry too," he said as he ruffled my hair before pulled out his hand to help me up.

After we finished eating, he suddenly pulled me up, then sat me on the table.

"Stay there," he said before he walked away.

I blushed when I remembered that he used to say that he wanted to eat me when his mom is not around.

Then I slapped my cheek to stop my mind from traveling south.

"I don't want him to think that I just want his body. I love him as a whole person. Well, of course that's including his body. I mean who doesn't? Just look at him. Okay, I need to stop," I slapped my cheek again as I wrestled to shut my wild mind.

Unfortunately, it's really hard to keep the sanity of my mind when I saw Daniel was walking so sexily towards me, with eyes piercing on me. I gulped when he put his hands on the table beside me.

"Take it off," he whispered to my ear.

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