54 - Smh

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A/N: Credit for the gifs goes to the rightful owners

Third person P.O.V

"You're right. I deserve it. I was ready to give up because my head hurts so bad, but you helped me," the old man said as he smiled while gazing up.

 I was ready to give up because my head hurts so bad, but you helped me," the old man said as he smiled while gazing up

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"You showed up in my dream, chasing me down my grave, just like you told me you would. It's so scary, even scarier than the pain in my head, I just had to get up. Oh. How could I hurt you and almost break this beautiful bond between you and your boyfriend. Hiks. I'm so sor...," the old man sobbed until everyone shushed him.

"Dude, what are you filming another drama for? Nobody is watching. Come here, just watch this one. It's so intriguing," Sungwoon said as he signaled the old man to sit beside him.

"Huh?" the old man asked confusedly as he wiped his tears.

Then he looked around and realized that everyone, including his subordinates was busy watching Daniel and you being lovey dovey while eating popcorn. You both were too engrossed to each other to notice anything else.

"Darn it! I've finished my popcorn," Jihoon said annoyedly.

"Here take some. I think the M rated scene is coming right up. You don't wanna miss it. God, it's so hot in here," Jaehwan said unconsciously while fanning his blushing face.

"Give me some. I don't wanna miss it too," your principal said suddenly as she got into the room.

Then she grabbed a handful of popcorn from Jaehwan's bowl before she sat beside Daniel's mom.

End of Third person P.O.V

I missed Daniel so much. I know it's only been less than 24 hours that we separated, but it felt like I haven't seen him in ages.

I caressed his cheek as I looked at him lovingly. Sometimes I still find it hard to believe that he's mine. He's so beautiful.

Then I pulled him closer as I tilted my head slightly to the side. I closed my eyes as I breathed into his scent. He smelled so damn good, so addictive. I could do it all day with him, and I would definitely still want more.

Then I parted my lips when I felt the tip of my lips touched his.

Knock knock, creeeak

"Whoever that is, that bitch needs to die," I groaned angrily as I retreated from the kiss.

The door knocking and creaking sounds ruined the mood.

When I looked to the door, I saw everyone was busy "A ah, what a party pooper," booing and throwing popcorns to the bitch who needs to die in my hands along with the old man, wait ...

"S-s-since when did you guys in here?" I asked nervously.

Third person P.O.V

"They've been here the whole time, Princess," Daniel chuckled as he ruffled your hair.

Troublemaker - Kang DanielWhere stories live. Discover now