39 - Tiny

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A/N: Credit for the gifs goes to the rightful owners of the gifs

"T-t-take what off?" I gulped nervously.

I grabbed the edge of the table tightly when Daniel leaning in. The tension was real.

"This," Daniel whispered before sliding my torn clothes off my shoulders slowly, leaving me in my bra.

I shuddered when the cold wind was brushing my exposed skin. And his raspy voice and dark eyes piercing on mine were making it worse.

I inhaled deeply when he tilted his face as he swiped his thumb gently on my lips. My eyes were locked at his slightly parted lips. I couldn't help but gulp when I noticed how soft and supple they looked.

 I couldn't help but gulp when I noticed how soft and supple they looked

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I closed my eyes and pursing my lips as I leaned in, waiting for a kiss. But then I opened my eyes confusedly, when I couldn't feel his lips on mine after some time.

"Are you still hungry? Why are you doing that with your mouth?" he asked as he looked at my lips.

"Yes. I'm hungry for you, insensitive bitch! Damn it! He's messing with me," I groaned inside when he smiled.

But then I gasped when he suddenly kneeled down in front of me. He was pulling down the band of my skirt slowly.

"Fucking hell. This bitch needs to stop messing with me. Just take me now, please," I begged inside bitting my lips when he ran his fingers on my stomach gently.

"It must've hurt," he said suddenly.

"Wait, what?" I paused my mind.

When I followed his gaze to my stomach, I finally realized that he was looking at the bruises from the beating. I quickly kneeled down in front of him when I saw the hurt expression on his face.

"No. It doesn't hurt. At all. Don't worry," I pulled his chin up to look at me.

"You're lying again," he said as he looked down again.

"No. I swear. I'm not lying. And I promise you, I'm not gonna hide anything again from you, ever," I assured as I cupped his cheeks.

He still seemed worried.

"Trust me, this is nothing. It's just that my skin is sensitive that's why I get bruise easily. I'm telling you, those girls punched like a bitch. I feel nothing at all. Do you think that teeny tiny little thing called Jojo can hurt me? Na ah. No fucking way," I kept assuring as I swiped my thumb on his cheek.

"You're also tiny, Princess," he finally smiled.

"Hey! I'm definitely taller than her," I complained with a frown.

"Oh really? By like one centimeter perhaps?" he mocked before he chuckled.

"No way! I'm sure that I am at least a few inches taller," I said remembering Jojo's height compared to mine in my mind.

"But you're still tiny compared to me," he chuckled as he ruffled my hair.

"Huh! Of course," I finally gave up about my height as I crossed my arms unamusedly before looking away with a pout.

"But I still love you, my tiny little Princess," he turned me to face him before he pecked my lips.

"Thank God! Finally!" I cheered inside with a wide smile on my face.

"Come on. Let me put an ointment on your stomach," he helped me up.

I smiled when I looked at him fully focused in applying the ointment carefully. He seemed really care about me.

"Done," he smiled.

Then he blew his bangs up as he kept blinking repeatedly when they got into his eyes. I wrapped my arms on his neck, before I gave him a peck on his lips. I couldn't stop myself, because he looked so cute and I was so grateful that he cared a lot about me.

"Thank you. Let me clean these up," I smiled before picking up the dishes.

"Where do you think you're going, Princess?" suddenly he grabbed my arms before I got away.

"The kitchen. I wanna put these away," I turned to him.

"Who said that I'm done eating?" he took the dishes from me then put them back to the table.

"Hmm?" I looked at him confusedly.

"I haven't eat my dessert, yet," he trapped me in between the table with his eyes on mine.

"I'm sorry, I didn't buy you a dessert. I came here in a rush," I looked at him apologetically.

"Then what am I looking at, if not my dessert?" he looked at me from head to toe while licking his lips.

I gulped nervously when he was slowly leaning in to my ear.

"You don't seriously think that we're done here, do you?" he whispered as he ran his hands on my hips slowly before giving them a good squeeze.

Although he seemed like he was ready to fuck, I wasn't sure how to respond because he already played me twice earlier. I didn't wanna get my hopes up again.

"You think I'm gonna miss out the opportunity that our parents gave us tonight? Of course not. So braze yourself, Princess, I'm gonna eat my dessert until I'm full," he wrapped his arms on my lower back before pulling me closer.

I gulped so hard when he was leaning in.

"I swear if this bitch only messing with my hormones again, I'm going to fuck him. Wait, I mean, I'm gonna fucking kill him. Oh God, my dirty mind. I'm done," I ranted in my head.

 I'm done," I ranted in my head

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