45 - Size

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A/N: Credit for the gif goes to the rightful owners of the gif

After that we went to the dining room to eat our breakfast.

"So ... Mom ... since when did you stand at the door earlier?" I asked hesitantly as I played with my soup.

"Mmm. Not long. I waited for a few minutes after I called you guys out. Then I decided to come in since you didn't come out. The next thing I know, a white fluffy pillow was flying to my face," Daniel's mom said before she scooped her rice.

"I'm so sorry, Mom," I said as I looked down after I put my utensil down.

How could I eat after what I did to her.

"It's okay. You didn't mean it," she said as she stroked my hair.

Then I drank my soup when she asked me to continue eating.

"Why? Was there anything that I shouldn't see?" she asked suddenly.

I choked so hard on my food, some of them got into my respiratory system. I couldn't breathe.

Daniel and his mom hurriedly ran to me then slapped my back repeatedly. Then I finally breathe again when the food got out of my system.

"Let's go to the doctor," she said as she pulled me up from my chair.

"I'm fine, Mom," I assured as I squinted my eyes while stroking my chest.

I thought I was gonna die.

"What is fine? You always get choked when you eat. That's not fine. Daniel, tell your teacher she's not coming to the school today," she insisted.

"I'm sure she got choked because she's so excited to eat your food, Mom. She likes it a lot," he explained while stroking my back.

Then I quickly nodded. I'm glad that he helped me to explain, because I don't wanna lie to her again and I was still busy catching my breath.

"Fine. But if it happens one more time, we're gonna go to the doctor. No buts. End of discussion," she said sternly before she folded her arms on her chest as she looked away.

"I love you, Mom," I said as I kissed her cheek before I squeezed her.

"Oh, my teeny tiny precious baby. I'm always nervous when I don't see you," she said as she cupped my cheeks.

Awww. Isn't she the sweetest? Wait, WHAT?!

"I'm sorry, but why did my size have to be brought up here?" I asked curiously.

"I thought I'm the only one who think that way, Mom. I'm always nervous when we're among the crowd. I can barely see her. Sometimes I just wanna put her inside my pocket to make sure that I don't lose her," he added totally ignoring my question.

"Oh My God. You too? I know right? She's ...," his mom frantically agreed and suddenly they're busy continuing the discussion which I refused to hear.

"Look, you guys are so sweet. But ... WHAT DOES MY SIZE HAVE TO DO WITH ANYTHING?! HUH?! I may be tiny, but I AM DEFINITELY TOTALLY ABSOLUTELY CAPABLE OF TAKING CARE OF MYSELF! And ... WHAT?! INSIDE YOUR POCKET?! I mean, COME ON! WHAT AM I?! A POKEMON?!" I ranted unamused, totally unamused.

"Oh oh. That's actually a brilliant idea. We could put her inside a pokemon ball, and ...," she continued discussing the matter with her son.

"One day I'm gonna proof that being tiny also has its own perks

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"One day I'm gonna proof that being tiny also has its own perks. HMPH!" I said annoyed before I left because I wasn't interested to hear the rest of the mockery.

Third person P.O.V

"Oh. I'm so nervous. Your headmaster told me that she's gonna tell Jojo's parents and the other girls about the bullying. So I don't know what's gonna happen at school today, but I'm pretty sure it's not gonna be a peaceful day for (y/n)," Daniel's mom said worriedly.

"Don't worry, Mom. I'm gonna protect her no matter what," Daniel assured.

"Thank you, Son. Hhh. Why do I love her so much? Look at her. I really wanna keep her inside my pocket to keep her safe," Daniel's mom sighed as she looked at you.

"I know right? Me too," he agreed as he's looking at you too.

You're stomping your feet hardly while dangling your arms in the air, trying to make yourself look bigger, but obviously you can't, you're still small.

"Hey! Aren't you gonna kiss me goodbye or something?" she shouted.

Then they chuckled when you quickly ran back to the dining room.

"See you later," you said as you kissed her cheek while still slightly pouted.

"Ouh. Enough with the pouting ... I love you," she said suddenly as she put her hands above her head forming the heart sign.

Gaaaaaaadh. She's so cute! Haaaaaaaw?!?!?!

"I love you too," you replied shyly before quickly dashed to the front door.

"Is she shy?" she asked confused when you disappeared in a speed of light.

"I think so. Haha. Bye, Mom. I need to make sure that she doesn't get lost," he said as he kissed his mom goodbye before hurriedly ran to catch you.

At the principal's office

"What? Are you kidding me? After all the money that we gave to this school, now you wanna suspend my daughter?" Jojo's mom asked annoyed as she folded her arms on her chest.

She's certainly not happy when the principal said that Jojo wasn't allowed to attend the school for a few weeks because of the bullying case.

"I already showed you the proof of what she did. And we take bullying very seriously here, Mam. No matter who they are," the principal said.

"Think again. Pretty sure you don't wanna lose all of your sponsorship over a measly thing like this, right?" Jojo's dad threatened.

"We're really thankful for your generosity towards our school so far. But we never forced you to make such an investment. So you're more than welcome to do anything with it. My decision is final," the principal said sternly.

"Alright then. You don't need to suspend my daughter, because I'm getting her out of this crappy school! Come on Jo," Jojo's mom said before she dragged Jojo out.

"You're gonna regret this," Jojo's dad threatened before he left.

End of Third person P.O.V

When Daniel and I got to the school, we're confused when we saw a lot of students gathered in front of the principal's office.

"Mom. Please. I don't wanna move to another school. Please. I like this school," Jojo cried as she's frantically trying to get away from her mom's drag.

I hate to say this, but unfortunately since her size is similar to mine (just to be clear I'm still a few inches taller than her by the way, remember that), she couldn't. She got dragged easily by her mom into their car.

Jojo was looking at me from inside the car with tearful eyes. I thought she was gonna curse at me, but "Help me" was what I read from her mumbling before they closed the door.

"What happened?" I wondered.

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