20 - Let

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"What do you wanna eat?" Dongho asked as we went on a date near school.

"You choose. I eat almost everything," I said.

Then he brought us to a barbecue place. Interesting pick for a first date. When our order came, I grabbed some utensils to grill the meat.

"Woah. You're so good at grilling. This is so good," Dongho said as he ate the meat that I grilled gluttonously, until he choked.

"Hahaha. Slow down, will you? Nobody is taking your food," I chuckled as I gave him some water and tissue.

"Thanks. Aren't you gonna eat?" he asked when he realized that I had been grilling meat and he's the only one eating.

"Huh? I'm not really hungry," I said. I also couldn't believe myself when I said that. Because I love to eat, a lot, especially meat. But lately my appetite just wasn't there.

"Is it because you're eating with me?" he asked as he stopped eating.

"No no no. It's not like that. I had a big lunch earlier. So I'm still kinda full, but okay I'm gonna eat some," I said as I ate some meat. Then he smiled.

I felt nauseous but I kept eating, because I wanted to do it right. "I need to keep my promise, so he'll keep his," I reminded myself in my mind.

"Here. Try this. It's really good," he said as he offered to fed me some meat wrapped in lettuce, "Come on. My hand is getting heavy," he joked.

It took a while until I finally ate the food from his hand. Then he smiled again.

"I didn't know you're the smiley type," I said.

"Hahaha. I'm actually pretty soft, you know? You just gotta know me," he said.

Ring Ring

"Hhh. I'm sorry. I need to take this," he said and I signaled him to take it.

"Yes Mom?" Dongho said on the phone."Alright. I'll be right back," he said before he ended the call.

He looked sad. I wondered what happened.

"Hey, I'm sorry. Do you mind if we continue this some other time? Something urgent coming up," he explained.

"No, it's fine," I said as I got up. Actually I was glad that he had to leave early. I felt sick.

"I'll take you home," he said.

"No no no. It's okay. I can go home by myself," I insisted.

Then we parted ways. As I walked home, I felt really sick and nauseous. I couldn't hold back anymore, finally I threw up.

"(y/n)! Are you okay?" I heard Daniel's voice. Then I heard rapid footsteps approaching me.

"I'm fine," I said without looking at him.

"No, you're not. Let me get you to a hospital," he said as he tapped my back, and massaged the back of my neck.

"Please, just go," I begged. "I don't want you to see me like this," I said softly.

Then I felt Daniel stopped his movement.

"I won't go," he said as he continued what he was doing.

Finally I gave up, I was too sick to argue. After I cleaned up myself, I turned to look at him. Then I gasped when suddenly he pulled me into a hug.

"What are you doing? Please let me go," I said without trying to remove myself from him, because honestly I didn't want him to let me go.

"I won't let you go," he said as he tightened his hug.

"We can't do this anymore. I have a boyfriend," I said.

"Do you still want me to believe that you're actually dating Dongho? I won't buy it!" he yelled as he looked at me.

"But it's true," I said softly avoiding his gaze.

"What did he do? What are you not telling me?" he asked.

"Can we do this some other time? I ...," I managed to say some words before everything went black.

Time skip

When I opened my eyes, I was already in a hospital. I saw Daniel was holding my hands as he planted his face on the bed beside me.

"What happened?" I asked weakly.

"Hey. Are you okay?" he asked. "Guys, she's awake," he shouted.

Then I saw my family, and Daniel's mom approaching me. They looked really worried.

"Hahaha. Why are you calling everyone Daniel? Even my dad is here. I'm okay guys. I'm sorry I made you worry," I said as I tried to sat up, but fail.

Then they preached me, because apparently the doctor said that I was under a huge amount of stress and I didn't have enough nutritions in my body, that's why my body collapsed. I was sad that I made them worried, but I was also happy to see that so many people care about me.

"What's bothering you? Tell me. We'll figure it out together," my mom said.

"I'm okay Mom. I just haven't really studied much recently, and exams are coming up, so I think I was worried about my academics," I lied as I smiled.

"Don't worry. You're smart. You'll be fine," she continued.

It'd take sometime until I finished my IV, so I insisted them to grab some dinner instead of waiting in my room.

"I'll keep her company," my brother said. I refused, but he insisted.

"We'll be right back," my mom said before she and the others (including Daniel, kya~) kissed me before they left the room.

"So tell me, what the hell is going on?" my brother asked.

I was surprised when he cursed, he never does that. His face was tense too.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Daniel told me everything. Don't blame him, he didn't tell me until I forced him. Why would you date Dongho? Is it because of what happened yesterday?" he asked.

"No, it's not. I'm dating him, because he's not as bad as I thought he is," I lied.

"Fine, if you still insist on this nonsense, I'll go and ask him myself," he said as he got up.

"NO! Please. Don't come near him. I'm begging you," I cried as I grabbed my brother's hand.

"You still want me to believe that you actually think that he's not a bad person, when you don't even want me to go near him?" he asked.

"Please. Just let it go. Let me do what I have to do," I begged. "to protect you," I continued in my mind.

Troublemaker - Kang DanielWhere stories live. Discover now