40 - Teach (m)

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*Mature Content (soft) - Please skip this part if you're uncomfortable - Read at your own risk - You.Have.Been.Warned*

"I-i-is it for real this time? You're not messing with me again, are you?" I asked hesitantly when Daniel leaned in closer as he parted his lips slightly.

I wanted to set my expectation clear. I didn't wanna get my hopes up.

"When did I ever mess with you?" Daniel asked as he laughed.

"Earlier. Twice," I said annoyed.

"Really? Tell me. What did I do?" he asked as he pinched my cheek lightly.

"You left me hanging," I said shyly.

"I did? I'm sorry. I didn't mean to," he said as he smiled while brushing my hair with his fingers.

"Liar," I said as I pouted.

"Hmm. Were you waiting for me to do this to your pouty lips?" he asked before he pecked me with his pursed lips.

He was moving in a slow motion.

"Damn it! Where did he put the remote control? I need the fast forward button. Now!" I said frantically in my mind.

Then I started to breathe heavily as I parted my lips slightly when he swiped his thumb on my lips slowly.

"He only pecked me, but why do his lips so swollen already? Argh! This is torture!" I grunted in my mind as I gulped at the sight of his rosy pink swollen lips.

"Were you also waiting for me to do this?" he said as he bit his lips while playing with the band of my skirt, ready to pull it down.

"God damn it, Daniel! Just fuck me already!" I said impatiently in my mind ... or so did I thought.

He stopped all of his movements.

"What did you just say?" he asked as he looked at me in shock.

"Nothing," I answered quickly as I avoided his eyes when I realized that I might not said what I said earlier in my mind.

"God. Please don't tell me that I just said that out loud," I begged in my mind as I bit my lips.

"Oh it's definitely not nothing, Princess. I heard it loud and clear. You want me to fuck you already. Are you that hungry for me, Princess?" he asked as he pinched my chin to make me look at him.

"I want to eat my dessert too," I said softly as I looked down while nudging my fingers shyly

"And what is your dessert?" he asked as he pulled my chin up.

"Popsicle," I said before glancing at his obvious boner.

I could feel that my cheeks were getting warmer when our eyes were locked at each other.

"Lay down," he said in a lowly sexy voice as he smirked.

"W-w-where?" I asked as I looked at him nervously, because although I want him so much, that night was still gonna be my first if we decided to go all the way.

"The table," he said as his eyes was bore into mine.

"But the dishes? Besides we both won't fit on there," I asked confused, because there were still some dishes that I piled earlier at the corner of the table.

"Well, we just gotta need to be careful and creative," he said before he sat me up on the table.

"Wait. I'll just clean it up quickly. Or we could move to ...," I suggested but he shushed me with his finger.

"Do you think I have the patience to wait for all that hassle? I need my dessert, now," he said before he pulled me into a kiss.

He was kissing me hungrily and so was I as we were devouring each other's mouth. Then he skillfully unclasped my bra before pushing me slowly to laid on the table along with him.

He went down to kiss my jaw and neck as he pulled my bra then tossed it away. Then I moaned when he sucked the skin on my cleavage before planting his head between my boobs as he squeezed them together.

"Hmm. You taste better than pudding, Princess. So soft and sweet. I can't get enough of you," he said as he was fondling my boobs before sucking my nipple while pinching the other one.

I smiled before I bit my lips as I played with his hair. I remembered that I used to say that I was angry because he ate my pudding as a cover up when he was about to tell his mom what we did the previous night.

Then my mouth got watery when I saw him kept moving his head as he was eating my boobs deliciously. He made me wanna taste my own boobs.

I felt the inner part of his lips and tiny bumps on his tongue were grazing on my skin and nipples. My boobs were glistening covered in his saliva.

"Let's do the 69, so we both could fit," he said when there was no more space for him to move down.

"69?" I asked confused.

Then he smiled as he ruffled my hair.

"Oh, my pure little Princess. I'm sorry for teaching you all sorts of things. Here, let me show you," he said as he looked at me lovingly.

Troublemaker - Kang DanielWhere stories live. Discover now