42 - Gasp (M)

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*Mature Content - Please skip this part if you're uncomfortable - Read at your own risk - You.Have.Been.Warned*

I woke up in Daniel's arm the next morning. I swiped his bangs off his face gently. It's so good to see his face first thing in the morning.

Then I gasped when I remember the mess that we created last night.

I removed myself from him gently, before I got down from the table. Then I took some cleaning tools to clean up the shards carefully so he wouldn't be awake by the clanking sounds.

I took a shower after making sure that everything was perfectly cleaned. Yeah. We still had school that day guys. Boo.

I was humming and singing softly as I was lathering my body with a soap. But then I gasped when suddenly I felt a hand was groping my boob.

"Geez. You scared me. Can't you wait until I finish?" I asked as I slapped Daniel's hand.

"No. I miss you already," he said as pulled me to his rock hard chest and abs as he back hugged me.

I chuckled as I stroked his hair.

"Hmm. You have a really soft skin, Princess," he whispered to my ear as he ran his hand on my side.

"You just realized it now? Where have you been?" I chuckled as I turned my head to look at him.

Then he pecked my lips before planting his chin on the crook of my neck as he closed his eyes.

I really love his company, but at this rate, we're gonna be late for school.

"Come on. Wait outside, I'm almost done," I said as I tried to remove his hand off me.

"We have to save water. You know how expensive water bill is these days. And we have to make sure that our children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and so on and so forth have enough water to use in their era," he said as he hugged me closer.

"Really?" I teased as I smirked while ruffling his hair.

Then I gulped when I felt him warm and hard on my butt.

"Why you got quiet all of a sudden?" he asked as he turned my face to look at him.

"Because ... you're poking me," I said shyly as I looked down.

"Wait. I'm gonna take some condoms," he said before he turned around.

"Dan," I said as I grabbed his hand.

"Hmm?" he asked as he turned to me.

"Yesterday you said about taking me raw ... what does that mean?" I asked hesitantly.

His eyes shot wide opened, looked like I gave him quite a shock.

"Mmm, it means that weee ummm are going to fuck ... without a condom," he explained shyly.

"What's the difference?" I asked curious.

"Ummm. I-i-it tastes better," he said as he blushed.

"What? It can taste better than last night?" I asked with my eyes wide opened in shock.

Then he laughed so hard.

"Oh my sweet innocent Princess. It's only gonna get better from now on, my love," he said as he smiled while caressing my cheek.

"So why we use condom then?" I asked curious.

"Because if we don't, then our parents are gonna be so happy," he said.

"Huh? Then isn't it a good thing?" I asked confusedly.

"Yeah. It is a good thing. They're gonna get a grandchildren and we're gonna get married," he said.

"Hmm?" I asked again as I looked at him confusedly.

"You might gonna get pregnant if I come inside you instead of the condom," he whispered sexily to my ear.

I unconsciously moaned when I felt my pussy are getting wetter.

"Oh? Why are you moaning? Are you imagining how it feels when I come inside you?" he asked as he smirked.

And all I could do was gulped.

"It's gonna feel amazing. The skin of my dick is gonna rub your insides directly. I'm gonna twitch right against your core. And my warm seeds are gonna fill your womb when I load my cum inside you," he described.

"Then let's do it," I said after I gulped.

"Wait. I was just trying to explain to you the difference. I wasn't asking you to have sex without it," he said panically.

"Will you feel better without it?" I asked.

"Of course. I'm gonna come into contact directly with your walls. Of course it's gonna feel better," he said.

"Then let's do it," I said again.

"Are you sure?" he reconfirmed.

"I wanna feel it," I said as I looked at him in the eyes.

"Fuck! Don't look at me like that, Princess. You're driving me crazy," he said before he kissed me.

I moaned in the kiss when he inserted then pumping his fingers inside me until I came. Then I broke the kiss to kneel down before him.

"So this thing grow?" I asked when he seemed thicker than last night.

"It's called morning wood, Princess. Cocks got bigger in the morning. But don't ask me why.
We don't have time to learn about that now," he said as he stroked my hair signaling me to quickly fix his "problem"

I wrapped my hands around his shaft as I took a mouthful of his cock before gliding the tip along my inner cheeks.

"Damn! You're getting so much better at it," he groaned when I sucked him hard.

I bobbed my head up and down his length while pumping his shaft faster and faster as I stretched my mouth to take him deeper and deeper.

"Oh Shit! Fuck me until I come in your sweet little mouth, Princess. I wanna see you swallow them," he said as he bucked his hips, fucking my mouth.

Then I felt him twitching in my throat when I choked on his size. I winched when he shot his cum deep down my throat then pumping the rest of his cum inside my mouth as he pulled out.

I swallowed everything as I looked up to him.

"What are you doing?" I asked when he suddenly pulled me up and turned me around.

"I'm gonna take you from the back. Since I taught you so many things already, learning one more thing wouldn't hurt, would it?" he said before he slammed right inside me.

"Oh! It feels so good, Daniel. I can feel your skin right against my walls. Ah! Your dick feels so big and hot inside me. Shit! I'm burning!" I screamed when he was fucking me roughly.

"Are you sure about this? I can come outside if you want. Shit!" he said panting as I felt him throbbing inside me.

"No. I wanna feel your cum inside me. Please. Fill me with your seeds, Daniel. AH!" I screamed when I felt him twitching so hard inside me as I came.

"FUCK!" he cursed loudly when I felt him shooting his warm seeds deep down my core.

We both were panting so hard.

"Kids, where are you? You're gonna be late for school," we gasped when we heard Daniel's mom voice from outside.

We saw each other with the fuck-we're-screwed look.

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