28 - Good Night (m)

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*Mature Content (soft) - Please skip this part if you're uncomfortable - Read at your own risk - You.Have.Been.Warned*

"What are you doing, Son?" Daniel's mom asked when we saw Daniel in front of her room.

"I wanna sleep here too," he said as he came in.

"Awww. There's still enough space. Come here," she said.

I frantically shook my head because I knew what he had in mind when I saw the sly smirk on his face.

"Why? Do you mind if he sleeps here?" she asked.

"No no no. Of course not. I'm just worried that you might be uncomfortable. I'll just sleep outside," I said as I got up.

"Aye, why would I be uncomfortable sleeping with my lovely kids beside me," she said as she pulled me back to the bed.

Then we went to sleep after Daniel came to the bed.

After a while, Daniel asked his mom if he could sleep in the center because he felt chilly. My eyes widen when I saw him getting in between me and his mom. Then I turned around, backing him, trying to save myself as soon as I saw him smiling widely.

"I told you, you're a natural. This position is even better. It's gotta be a really good night, princess," he whispered as he sneaked his hand under the blanket slowly from my back to my belly.

"Dan, your mom is here. Nggh," I whispered as I tilted my head to him while holding back my moan when he suddenly pulled my body to him.

He was already hard, and it was poking my butt through his pants. Although we're fully clothed, I could feel the heat from his body, especially his crotch, all over my body.

"Don't worry. I know my mom. She won't get up easily every time she says she's sleepy. But you still gotta keep your moan down. We don't wanna risk it, do we?" he asked as he sneaked his hand under my skirt and panties.

"Daniel! Please stop! Don't do this to me!" I whisper-yelled at him as I tried to stop him from getting further.

"Ssst. Keep it down, will you? Oh. You ask me to stop but you're already drenched," he said as he finally got to my pussy.

I covered my mouth as I arched my back when when he's circling and massaging my folds. As a result, I pressed harder on his warm cock. I bit my palm so hard when I grazed my butt gently on his cock because everything felt so good.

"Uh. So good, princess. Keep going," he groaned before he slapped my butt with his free hand while bucking his hips gently to intensify the friction.

I took a glance at his mom because I was afraid that the bed would rock along with us and it would wake her. But fortunately it didn't. She's still sleeping soundly despite what her lovely kids were doing under the blanket.

"Now that you seem to enjoy this, ready for the main round?" he asked.

I looked at him confusedly. But before I could process, suddenly he pushed his finger inside me. I almost screamed because I was so shocked by the sudden intrusion, but fortunately Daniel silenced me with a kiss.

The kiss successfully muffled my moan and his, but it's getting harder as he kept fingering me and our hips rocked harder against each other.

"I don't think I could stop myself, princess. I'm gonna rock my body as if I'm having you around me. So you gotta keep it down, okay?"

I nodded before I dropped my head back to the front. I tightened the cover of my mouth when Daniel sneaked his hand under my shirt then fondling my boobs and pinching my harden nipples. Then he added another finger inside me as he's picking up the pace. And he's not lying, he really bucked his hips sharp and fast as if he's really inside me, as he planted his face on the back of my neck.

At that point I was so crazy under his touch. His warm and muscular body hugging me. His hot breath on the back of my neck sending shivers all over my body as he's kissing and sucking the skin. His huge hand squeezing and fondling my boobs. His skillful fingers flicking and pinching my nipples, also digging and pumping deep down my core while flicking and circling the clit. His warm and hard cock poking my butt. His powerful snaps creating friction through the fabrics. All I could do was biting my palms to keep me from screaming in pleasure.

As he intensified and picked up the pace, I titled my head back to face him then pulled him for a kiss. Then we screamed in the kiss when we came after he snapped his hips hard and fast.

We both froze when Daniel's mom suddenly shifted. We slowly turned our heads to look at her. Then we sighed relieved when we saw that she's still sleeping peacefully like a baby.

"I can't believe that I'm actually enjoying the thrill of not getting caught by your mom while getting pleasured by you," I confessed suddenly.

Then we both chuckled when he turned to look at me.

I winced when I suddenly felt empty as Daniel pulled out his fingers out of me. I grabbed his hand then licked one of his finger which covered in my cum as I looked at him. Then he licked the other fingers as he looked at me back. Then we kissed after we pulled out the fingers.

"Thank you. That was amazing. I promise, it's your turn next time," I whispered.

"I'll be waiting princess. Now we should sleep before we really wake my mom up," he whispered before he nudged his nose on mine.

"Good night," I said as I turned my head around.

"Thank you for the good night. I love you," he whispered before he got up slightly to kiss my cheek then cuddled me.

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