51 - Please

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A/N: Credit for the gifs goes to the rightful owners

I finally got inside before everyone else, then quickly ran to the boys

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I finally got inside before everyone else, then quickly ran to the boys. I'm glad to see that they were fine, but they certainly didn't feel the same way. They all glared at me when they saw me.

 They all glared at me when they saw me

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"I'm sorry ... I heard a gunshot ... So I just ...," I said as I looked up at them hesitantly.

"Are you okay?" Kualin asked as he checked on me.

Then I nodded.

"I'm sorry. Are you guys okay?" I asked hesitantly.

"We're fine. Don't worry. Jojo is also fine," Minhyun said as he smiled while ruffling my hair.

"Hiiing," Jisung came to hug me.

"I'm okay," I said as I patted his back.

"Look at you, so pale and cold. And your hands. Huweee. How come you're okay?" Jisung said as he checked on me before started sobbing.

"No no no. Why are you crying? I'm really okay. There's there's an ambulance when I got out. And and they did a really good job treating me. Look. My wounds are all cleaned up, and and they gave me a shot and suddenly I feel whooop, healthy again. I even ran he...," I explained until we gasped when Daniel suddenly yelled.

"I clearly told you to keep her out of here!" Daniel scolded Woojin and Jihoon who just came in along with some police officers.

"Relax, kid. Your girlfriend is unstoppable, even we couldn't ...," one of the police officers said as he tried to tap Daniel's shoulder but he dodged it.

"Of course you couldn't. You couldn't even do anything when we asked for your help earlier. Why are you even here anyway? Where were you ... let me go. I'm not done talking," Daniel ranted until The Goofballs tried to stop him but they couldn't.

We gulped so hard. He was super mad.

"I'm sorry, kid. I did the best I could," the officer apologized.

"Sorry? What if we didn't come here in time, and something happen to my girlfriend? Huh? All you're gonna say is "sorry" again? I don't need ... WHAT?" he continued his rants until he turned and yelled unconsciously when I tapped his shoulder.

I just froze because I was shocked by his sudden raise in voice.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell. I just ...," Daniel couldn't finish his sentence because tears started to form on his eyes before he covered his face.

"Hey, look at me," I said softly as I grabbed then put down his hand from his face and turned him to look at me.

Then I kissed him before resting my forehead on his.

"Can you please be careful? I don't know what's gonna happen to me if something happen to y...," he said before sobbing in tears.

"Ssst. Nothing is gonna happen to anyone. I promise from now on I'm gonna break up with trouble, okay? I'm all yours," I said as I pulled his chin up and wiped his tears.

Third person P.O.V

"Come on, Officer. Let's leave these two lovers here. I'll explain to you what happened so we can wrap this up, okay?" Jaehwan and Sungwoon said as they dragged the officer away.

Daniel and you were busy in your own world, not caring about anything else. You couldn't keep your hands from each other.

"Come on, guys. You don't wanna witness an M rated scene right? Ouh, these two. Get a room!" Jisung shouted before ushering the boys to move away too.

Daniel and you smiled before he gave Jisung the middle finger when he tilted his head to kiss you.

The boys were helping the police to investigate the scene and interview the kidnappers as they handcuffs them.

Apparently the old man fired a shot towards the ceiling. The bullet from the shot detached a hanging lamp made out of concrete from the roof and fell on his head. Hhh. Such a dumb old man.

The police already took the gun from the old man, but they didn't handcuff him because he had a pretty severe damage on his head. They went outside with the boys to call the medic and put the kidnappers in the car. But then ...

End of Third person P.O.V

I slightly opened my eyes when I tilted my head to kiss Daniel deeper. But then I saw the old man was reaching for a gun in his pocket and pointed the gun towards Daniel's back with his trembling hand.

I swiftly switched our position so the gun was pointed at my back instead. Then I pushed Daniel with my body to the floor to avoid the bullet when I heard the gunshot.

Then I opened my eyes slowly when I didn't feel any pain whatsoever on my body.

"Hhh. Thank God. We're sa... Dan? But you're supposed to be under ...," I asked confused when I realized that Daniel was on top of me until I saw that he was bleeding.

Third person P.O.V

Everything happened so quickly, you didn't realize that Daniel had switch the position again after you did, so he can cover you when he saw the gunpoint. Then he pushed both of you down the floor to avoid the bullet, but it was too late. The bullet got him first.

"I told you ... I'm not gonna let you die, Princess. I love y...," he said as he smiled but he couldn't finish his sentence.

He fell weakly on top of you.

End of Third person P.O.V

"B-blood," I mumbled shakily when I saw a lot of bloods on my hands.

My mind went numb, thinking the worst possible scenario that could've happened to Daniel.

"No no no. Dan. Baby. Please. No," I said as I tapped his back frantically.

But he didn't move.

I shook his body panically, but he was just shaking weakly. Then I groaned as I clenched my teeth to flip him until I finally get him off me.

"Dan. Baby. Please don't do this to me. Wake up. DAN!" I said as I tapped his cheek before I yelled when I slapped him.

But he still didn't move.

"Help! Please! Somebody! Anybody!" I called out for help but no one was there.

The old man was already unconscious or possibly dead. But even if he wasn't, I would've choked him to death myself.

"Dan. Baby. Come on, Baby. Please. Wake up. You can't do this to me. You just can't. Please," I begged while sobbing as I kept shaking his body, but still got no response.

"God, please save him," I prayed earnestly before burst into tears as I planted my face on his chest and grabbed him tightly.

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