36 - Family

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A/N: Credit for the gifs goes to the rightful owners of the gifs

After my family came back, Daniel's mom and I apologized to them.

"It's okay, as long as you know what you did wrong and don't do that again," my mom said and we nodded.

"We already think of you and Daniel as a family, Mrs. Kang. So I hope that you won't be keeping any secrets from us. Especially if it's related to our daughter," she continued and Daniel's mom nodded.

"Mom, it's not her fault. I asked her to ...," I tried to explain because I couldn't believe that I got Daniel's mom scolded, but she didn't let me continued.

"I know. I'm sorry. I should've known better. Thank you for thinking of me and my son as your family. Mmm, so since I'm part of the family, can I stay at your house tonight? My son is really scary when he's mad. Pleaseeeeeee," she squealed as she grabbed my mom's hand.

"Of course. You can stay with us as long as you want," my mom chuckled as she grabbed her hand.

"Fiuh. Thank you. I'm saved," Daniel's mom sighed relief.

"Now you. I really think that you should apologize to Daniel. You're being too much to him earlier. Do you know that he jumped to the podium as soon as you fainted? You would've knocked your head if he didn't catch you. If you're not sick, I would've smacked you earlier. How could you made him sad after what he did for you? Just stay at Daniel's tonight and beg for his forgiveness. Don't even think of coming back until he forgives you," my mom ranted.

I know that my mom trusts and loves Daniel so much, but I still find it hard to believe that she just bluntly asked me to spend the night at his house, just the two of us.

"You wouldn't mind if she spend the night at your house, would you?" my mom asked and Daniel's mom shook her head.

"You know that I love you right? But I'm sorry, you're on your own this time. Get some delicious food and something that smells nice for him. He likes those things. Take all the time you need. The house is all yours and Daniels tonight," Daniel's mom said as she gave me her house keys.

"I really can't believe these people," I said inside as I shook my head.

After I got discharged, I bought Daniel's favorite foods and some aromatic candles as suggested by Daniel's mom.

As I was walking towards Daniel's house, I saw the boys were standing in front of his house.

"Hey, what are you guys doing here? By the way, I'm sorry about earlier. ... Mmm guys, are you okay? Hello," I said as I waved my hands and snapped my fingers in front of them.

But they remained still, staring at Daniel's house blankly like frozen zombies. Their body were so stiff.

"Please don't mind us. We're fine. We forgive you. But Daniel, he, ...," Sungwoon gulped before he froze again.

"What is it? What happened to Daniel?" I asked as I shook Sungwoon's body.

"Ah. Daniel. What are you doing? Ack. I can't breathe. Please don't be like this. You're hurting me," Seongwoo suddenly squealed in a female voice, acting all scared as he's slapping Jisung's hand when he grabbed him by the collar.

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