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A/N: Credit for the gifs goes to the rightful owners

Third person P.O.V

"Sooo ...," the police officer hesitated as he stole glances to Daniel, because he knew that you clearly wouldn't like what he's about to say.

And he was right.

"So?" I asked as I crossed my arms on my chest

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"So?" I asked as I crossed my arms on my chest.

Ready to snap at him in case he decided to say something stupid. Try me officer. Try me.

"I-I-I was w-w-wondering i-i-if you still w-w-wanna proceed w-w-with the c-ch-cha-ch-charges," the officer stuttered and trembled big time.

"What are you blind? Of course! Can't you see that he shot my boyfriend? Here! Look!" I said annoyedly as I showed the officer the part that the old man shot Daniel.

"B-b-but as you can see ...," the officer insisted but I didn't let him finish.

"As I can see what? I can't see anything else other than the fact that this bitch shot my boyfriend. So, NO officer, I am NOT dropping the charges. I'm gonna sue him, for the worst punishment possible. Is that clear?" I said sternly.

"A-a-absolutely," the officer gulped nervously as he nodded frantically.

"Princess, let's not ...," Daniel tried to stop me but I cut him.

"Listen, nothing and no one can change my mind about this. Not even you. I'm sorry," I said.

"Yeah, but I can. We're dropping the charges officer," my mom said lightly.

"MOM!" I yelled.

"Yo. Chill, Bro. What are you yelling for? You're hurting my ears. Ouh," my mom said while poking her ears.

"Your mom sounds just like you," the old man suddenly chuckled.

"You, give me just one reason why I shouldn't kill your fucking ass...," I rolled up my sleeves as I dashed to the old man.

It's like he's begging for me to kill him. He's so annoying.

But then I heard my mom said, "Where do I sign?"

"Mooom! Don't!" I said as I run to her.

But I was too late. She signed it. The old man and his subordinates are free.

"Whoopsie. I just diid," my mom shrugged.

"How could you do this to meee. Don't you care about how I feeeeel?" I ranted as I cried.

"I did this because I care about you. Do you know how tiring and expensive suing someone is? It's not worth it. Besides the old man is already repenting. What else do you want? Do you know that he made sure that you and Daniel got the best treatment? How do you think we can afford to put you both in these VVIP rooms in this prestigious hospital, huh? Now who would pay for the bills if you sue him? Huh? Me? Give me a break," my mom ranted.

Troublemaker - Kang DanielWhere stories live. Discover now