48 - Goodbye

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"Aw aw aw. What are you pulling my ear for? What am I? Five?" I said annoyedly.

"Don't you have no fear? You have no idea who you're dealing with, do you?" the guy who I assumed was the leader asked.

"Well. Neither do you," I said as I smirked before I punched him in the fucking face.

I argued with Jojo earlier to buy me enough time to untie the rope on my wrists.

"Ugh! Ouch! It hurts! Shit!" he groaned as he covered his cheek while curling up on the floor.

It sure did. I punched him Good.

"Boss!" the other guys frantically ran to help the guy.

I used the opportunity to quickly remove the ropes on my ankles.

"Get up, and get the chair," I said after I helped Jojo to remove hers.

"I can't. My head ...," she complained.

"Bitch! We don't have much time here!" I yelled as I shook her body to snap some senses back to her.

But it's useless. She's still chilling down on her chair while massaging her temples, as if nothing was happening.

"Hrgh! FML!" I groaned as I dragged both mine and Jojo's chair, along with her sitting on top of it.

"They're getting away, you idiots! Go get them!" the leader instructed when he finally realized that we're getting away.

Then I hid Jojo behind me when they cornered us.

"I swear I'm gonna break your fucking bones into pieces if you come close. This foldable chair seems to be just perfect to do the job," I warned as I grabbed my chair tightly.

"Alright alright. Let's not do this, alright? We both got hurt, so let's get us fixed first," the guy said as he got up.

We both?

Then I finally realized that my wrists were covered in blood. No wonder they hurt so bad.

"Not a chance. I'm not gonna waste my time even for one more second here," I said sternly.

"Come on, don't be so stubborn. You know you can't get out of here," he said as he approached me.

"Oh do I? Well. We'll see about that," I said as I lifted my chair up, ready to smash him.

"Whoah whoah. Easy easy. One punch is enough, okay? Now put it down, and let's talk," he said as he retreated.

"Are your ears just an accessory? Didn't you hear what I just said? I want, to go, Home. Got it? So no. We're not going to talk, because I'm going home," I said sternly.

"Hhh. You sure do annoying. Yo, Jo. Why don't you help me out here? Don't you hate her or something? I heard she took your boyfriend," he intrigued.

"For the record, I didn't take anyone's boyfriend. Because he wasn't hers in the first place. Never did, and never will. Because he's mine," I explained in a screeching note.

"So you're just gonna let her talking like that to you? Whoah. You changed a lot, Jo," he provoked.

"This is not good," I said inside when I looked back over my shoulder.

Jojo's face started to stiffen.

"Listen, I know that we're not the best of friends, but let's deal with our problem later, okay? We need to get out of here first. I promise, I'm gonna get us out of here," I whispered as I grabbed Jojo's hand and she nodded.

"Awww. Isn't she the sweetest?" he said then they all laughed.

"Enough with this bullshit! Move!" I said as I swung the chair to their direction as I moved forward.

"Yo, Jo. What about this? I'm gonna let you go if you help us out. You get your guy. I get her," he offered suddenly.

"Oh crap. I didn't see that one coming," I cursed inside as I looked back.

But it was too late, Jojo hit me with the chair.

She still hit like a bitch, but it's a chair that we're talking about, of course it hurts. I was quite surprised she could lift it up. And I was already dizzy to begin with because the remaining effect of the sedative was still pretty much present and blood was dripping out of my wrists. So yeah ... I fell weakly on the floor before quickly lost my consciousness.

Third person P.O.V

At a police station

"What do you mean there's nothing you could do? Didn't you hear what I just said? My kid ... is missing!" Daniel's mom said annoyedly.

Everyone went to the nearest police station to report you missing when they couldn't find you anywhere. Your family were so shocked when they heard the news, especially Daniel's mom.

She already got the feeling that something was about to go down, but she didn't know that it's gonna be that bad.

"I'm sorry, Mam. But if you can't give us a clear suspicion of why she's missing, there's literally nothing that we could do for now. We can only start the search after she has been missing for at least 24 hours," a police officer explained.

"Then who will be responsible if something happen to my kid before that? Huh!" she yelled as she grabbed him by the collar before she fell weakly on a chair.

"I understand how you feel, Mam. But she might not be missing. Maybe she just went out with her friend. Why don't you calm down while we're waiting?" he suggested as he sat beside her then patted her back.

"No. I don't think you understand, Officer. Do you have a children? Will you just calm down if it's yours?" she asked weakly as she looked at him.

Then the officer reflected as he looked down.

"You're right, Mam. Let me see what I can do about it," he said as he patted her hand before he went inside.

"Guys. We gotta do something. My feeling is not good," Daniel said.

End of Third person P.O.V


I woke up abruptly when I felt water slap on my face.

"Wakey wakey, Sweetie," the guy said as he smiled.

I groaned while squinting my eyes as I looked around. I was in a smaller space, which I was sure was a chiller, because it was much colder, and the water slap earlier made it worse.

"What did you do to her? You promised to let her go!" I yelled panically when I saw Jojo was sitting weakly on the ground with a beat up face.

Our hands were cuffed to a pipe.

"Well. I did say that, but I didn't say that I'm gonna keep my promise," he said lightly.

"I didn't know that you're disgusting too," I scoffed.

"What did you just say?" he asked.

"I said, you're, disgusting. What kind of man doesn't keep his promise? Ergh," I said totally disgusted before he slapped me.

"You even slap like a bitch," I chuckled.

"SHUT UP!" he said before he choked me.

My mouth and eyes were wide opened, gasping for some air when I started to feel the lack of oxygen supply to my brain.

Then I coughed before I fell on the ground when he finally let me go.

"Dying like that is gonna be too easy for you. Take it down," he instructed one of his guy to make the temperature colder.

Then he turned around when he got to the door.

"So long, Troublemaker. I'll see you in hell," he said as he smiled before waving goodbye.

Troublemaker - Kang DanielWhere stories live. Discover now