16 - Smile

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Third person P.O.V

"Guys! (y/n) ... nursery ...," Guanlin said panting, because he ran so hard to the class after he heard that you're hurt.

Daniel ran as fast as he could to the nursery and he was shocked when he saw you.

End of Third person P.O.V

"Hey. I bet the news is out. Well, that was fast. Haha," I chuckled.

"You think this is funny?" he yelled. "Tell me, who did this?" he asked he glared at me.

"D-D-Daniel, you're scaring me. It's my own fault. I tripped myself," I said.

"Don't lie to me! Tell me! Who did this to you?" he yelled again.

"Please don't be like this," I said as I cried because I had so many things in my mind.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I'm sorry," he said finally calmed down as he hugged me. Then I cried on his chest.

Not long after that, the other guys came to visit as well. They asked me what happened, and I just told them that I tripped because I didn't pay attention to where I was going.

I saw Daniel was still tense, so I held his hand discreetly and flashed a smile. The same bloody forced smile that my brother always put up when he's having a hard time.

"So is this why you do it, Brother? Because you don't want people that you love worry about you?" I bit my lips to hold back my tears.

Then at recess, my brother picked me up to take me home.

Third person P.O.V

"I don't buy it," Daehwi said as the boys walked out from the nursery.

"Me too. The wounds are too excessive if she tripped by herself " Jinyoung agreed.

"I think so too. So now guys, let's find out whatever we can about what happened to (y/n)," Daniel said.

"I heard there were some commotion in the senior class. It's her brother's class. I'll dig more into it," Guanlin said.

"Good. Thank you Guanlin. Let's meet again at the cafeteria 5 minutes before the class started," Daniel said.

In the cafeteria

"So it's true. Someone saw Dongho tripped (y/n) when she was running in front of his classroom during PE class this morning. And it was really tense between them after that. She even grabbed him by the collar. But I don't know what they're arguing about." Guanlin said.

"Our friends said that they were arguing about her brother," Jisung said. Then he and Seongwoo reenacted the scene between Dongho and you.

"Then what I thought that day was true," Minhyun suddenly said.

"What do you mean?" Daniel asked.

"That day after you told me that (y/n) was looking for me, I saw her with Dongho and his gang. I heard him mentioning about her brother. And from the way he talked about him, I think he's been onto him for quite sometime," Minhyun said.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Daniel asked.

"I'm sorry. I thought I was just being paranoid. Besides, I didn't hear the whole conversations. So it didn't feel right for me to accuse him based on what I assumed alone," Minhyun said. He looked sad.

"I'm sorry. I know he was your best friend too," Daniel said. "Alright. Great job guys. Let's update each other if we have something new," Daniel concluded.

"Mmm, I'm not sure if this is relevant, but ..." Jaehwan paused as he elbowed Sungwoon, asking him to continue instead.

"We saw one of Jojo's gang member when you hugged (y/n) in the nursery earlier. That girl was talking to Jojo at recess," Sungwoon said.

"We didn't hear what they're talking about, but we saw Jojo's face turned stiff after she talked to her. We just think that you should know," Jaehwan continued.

"Damn it! Alright. Thank you guys. I'll see what I can do about it," Daniel said.

End of Third person P.O.V

When I got home, I got scolded big time by my Mom. My brother and I told her that I tripped during my PE class. She told me to rest after I cleaned up myself.

"Hey," Suddenly I saw Daniel when I opened my eyes.

"Hmm? What are you doing here? I can't believe my mom let you come into my room," I said as I sat up.

"She had to go to her school for a bit, so she asked me to stay with you while she's away," Daniel said.

"Geez. I hate that headmaster. He's always making my mom's life miserable," I complained.

Then I looked around, and realized that it was just the two of us in the house.

"Wow Mom. You're not just letting a boy come inside your daughter's room, but you also left them alone. Unbelievable. She must really like you," I said.

"I hope so too," he said.

"What? Why?" I wondered in my mind. "Anyway, I'm okay. I can take care of myself. So you can go," I said.

"You're so rude. I treated you so nicely when you came to my house yesterday. Now is this how you're gonna treat me?" he complained.

"No no no. That's not what I mean. I just don't wanna bother you. I'm sorry," I said.

"This is why you got tricked so easily by my mom. You're too innocent. Hahaha, what a cutie," he said as he ruffled my hair.

"Stop it," I said weakly, because honestly I didn't want him to stop.

Knock knock

"Oh, your mom is back. Well, that was fast," Daniel said as he got up.

"No. That's not my mom. Why would she knock before she get into her own house?" I asked.

"You're right. Wait here. I'll go and check," he said.

"No. Don't leave me. I'm scared," I pleaded.

"Hahaha, I wonder who told me to go home earlier?" he teased and I glared at him. "I'm kidding. Come on," Daniel said as he helped me up. "Who is it?" Daniel asked as we stood in front of the door, but no one's answering.

"I'm gonna open the door, okay? Just stay behind me," he whispered. I grabbed his arm and hid myself behind him.


"Mom?" Daniel gasped.

"Mom? Who's mom? Daniel's mom?" I wondered as I peeked from the gap between Daniel's arm.

"Mam?" I gasped as I showed my head but still hiding my body behind Daniel. "You told her about me?" I whispered-shouted as I looked up and glared at Daniel.

"Of course. What else am I suppose to tell her?" Daniel whispered-shouted back.

"Eh ehm. You guys aware that I can hear all that, right?" Daniel's mom asked.

"I'm sorry Mam. Please come in," I said as I finally got out of my hideout.

"WHAT? Who did this to you? Tell me! HOW DARE THEY TOUCHED MY PRECIOUS BABY? I will make them pay!" she angered when she finally saw my bruises.

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