29 - Mess

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Gulp Gulp Gulp

"Woah. Mom's cooking is always the best," I complimented as I quickly gulped down all the food on my plate when we had our breakfast the next morning.

I was so hungry because everything that happened yesterday at school, Pam's house and, Daniel's house took a lot of my energy.

"Can I have some more please? Hum? Something's wrong?" I asked confused when I realized that Daniel and his mom were froze as they're staring at me.

"When was the last time you eat?" she asked as she gave me another serving.

"Mmm. Last night. We ate together, here. Remember?" I asked confused as I grabbed the food then quickly shoved it in my mouth.

"Then why are you eating like you haven't seen food in years?" she asked.

"Hehehe. Your food tastes so good, and I'm so tired. I need to charge my energy," I said unconsciously as I continued shoving food in my mouth.

"What made you tired?" she asked suddenly.

I choked on the food when I realized the mess that I just got myself into.

"Geez. Slow down, will you? You're gonna get indigestion for eating too fast," she said as she gave me some water.

"I'm tired because I was messing with your son in his room and on your bed, Mom. She's definitely gonna kill me if I say that, isn't she?" I wondered in my mind as I quickly chugged on the water.

"Yeah, tell us what made you tired (y/n). Did you do something that involved physical activities?" he asked as he grazed his long leg to mine, again.


I choked on the water. Then I kept coughing because some of the water got into my respiratory system.

"Geez. Are you okay?" she said as she gave me some tissues.

"Fuck you Daniel. I'll definitely make you pay for this," I cursed inside as I blew my nose to get the water out while glaring at him.

"Why are you looking at Daniel like that? Did he make you tired?" she asked when she noticed me glaring.

I was panicked when I realized that I just made things worse with my glare. I didn't know what to say, until,

"Oh! I remember now. Yesterday she was hu ...," he said as he glanced at me.

"HUNGRY! I was hungry. I couldn't really eat well because of what happened at school," I shouted, quickly finishing his sentence before he said something that would get me into a bigger mess.

"Then I ate her pu ...," he said as he sneaked his leg between my legs.

"PUDDING! He ate my pudding. I don't like when people eat my food, especially when I'm hungry. I was really angry at him and I hope he will STOP doing that," I said while clenching my teeth as I glared at him.

"And don't forget about the fi ...," he said as he's pumping his fingers slowly.

"FISHING! He suddenly mentioned about fishing. Can you imagine Mom? Me, waiting patiently for a fish to catch my bait. Pffft. I'd rather grab them with my bare hands then whack 'em dead. That would be more effective to stop the fish from messing with me, right Daniel?" I said as I pinched his leg with my toes.

Troublemaker - Kang DanielWhere stories live. Discover now