47 - Captive

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Third person P.O.V

"Where's my girlfriend?" Daniel asked when Guanlin came back to the field by himself.

"Huh? Hasn't she already come back?" Guanlin asked confused.

"No, she hasn't," Daniel replied just as confused.

"Hum? That's weird. I left her at the storage room to get the rest of the balls, but she wasn't there when I came back," Guanlin said as he was scratching his head, wondering where you might be.

End of Third person P.O.V

Somewhere only they know

"Ngh," I groaned when I regained my consciousness.

I squinted my eyes as I looked around. I was in a storage looking place or a chiller because it was cold, I didn't know. My sight was still blurry, because my head was spinning.

There's no one else in the room as far as I could see, except for me and one person behind me, which I believed was Jojo, judging from the long black hair that was dangling over my shoulder.

We were tied to a chair, back to back. It seemed like we're being held captive.

"Hey. Wake up," I said as I pushed her with the back of my shoulder while trying to reach the rope around my wrists to untangle it.

"Ngh. What happened?" she groaned as I felt her moving slightly.

That groany ass sound? Yeah. It was Jojo.

"I think that's supposed to be my line, no? But let's talk about that later. We need to untangle the ropes, and get out of here," I said while still trying to get the rope off my wrists.

"Mmh. My head. It hurts," she groaned again.

"Pardon me, Your Highness. My head is also feels like it's about to explode, but we don't have much time here, do we? We have to get out. Now," I said annoyed as I looked around, checking if someone's coming, while trying to get myself free.

"We can't," she said spiritlessly.

"What do you mean we can't? You haven't even tried. Don't be such a quitter. Damn it!" I said annoyed because she's being a complaining sissy and the rope was hurting me as I kept moving my wrists.

"I've tried several times to escape, but failed. So save your breath. They're not gonna let us go, until my dad give them their money," she said hopelessly.

Several times? Her dad? Money?

"What the hell is going on here? Isn't her dad like the wealthiest and the most influential man in town?" I wondered in my mind until ...

"Well. Well. Well ... Well done, Jo. It seems like you've accustomed to our service here. Should we stamp your frequent kidnapping card?" suddenly a guy said as he clapped while approaching Jojo along with some other guys.

It seemed like he's the leader.

Then he squatted in front of me.

"Well hello, New Girl. What's your name?" he said as he put out his hand to me.

"I'm sorry. I don't mean to be rude, but ... you tied my hands, you dumbass!" I mocked as I glared at him.

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