37 - Trust (m)

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*Mature Content (soft) - Please skip this part if you're uncomfortable - Read at your own risk - You.Have.Been.Warned*

A/N: Credit for the gif goes to the rightful owners of the gif

"H-h-hey," I stuttered as I approached him hesitantly.

I could feel anger exuding so strong from him. So I kneeled down slowly before him while thinking of any way to soothe him.

"Does it hurt?" I asked as I touched his bandaged forearm carefully.

"Duh? Can't you tell? Such a stupid question 🤦🏻‍♀️" I regretted inside as I slapped myself mentally.

"Why do you care," he scoffed as he yanked his hand off me. "Why are you here anyway?" he clenched his jaws as he looked at me coldly.

"He's too scaryyyyyyy. Halph meh 😭," I cried inside.

"I came here to apologize," I said as I cupped his cheek.

"I forgive you. Now please leave. I'm tired," he said as he yanked my hand off his face.

"Please, baby. Don't be like this. I'm sorry," I begged as I cupped his cheeks again then pulled him in for a kiss.

"Apparently we're nothing but skinships for you," he said as he rolled his eyes and scoffed after he removed himself from me.

Suddenly he got up then pulled me up before pushed me down to his bed. He pinned my hands above my head, before crashing his lips on mine angrily. He's so rough, his whole body was trembling, and he's breathing heavily.

I clamped my lips tightly while struggling to get away when he forced his way in to my mouth. Then he's licking and sucking the skin around my lips because he couldn't get in.

"Daniel. Please stop," I pleaded as I clenched my hands when he's sucking harshly down my neck and sliding his knee between my legs.

"Why are you resisting? Isn't this what you came here for?" he said as he pressed his knee on my crotch before ripping my shirt off.

Then he pinned my hands beside me as he planted his face on my chest. He's licking, sucking, and biting the exposed skin while pushing away my bra with his face to take my nipple in his mouth.

"Please. Stop," I begged when he sucked it hardly.

"THEN WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" I squinted my eyes when he yelled as he tightened his grips on my wrists.

My whole body was trembling because I was so scared.

But then I opened my eyes when I felt something dropped on my cheek.

But then I opened my eyes when I felt something dropped on my cheek

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It was tears. Daniel's tears.

He removed his grips from me then sat down weakly on the bed. I quickly sat up and approached him. My heart was breaking as I wiped the tears on his cheeks.

I made him cry.

"Do you know how I felt when I saw the video?" he asked as he grabbed my hand and looked at me.

He looked hurt.

"It felt like my heart was torn into pieces. I blamed myself for not being there for you. I failed to keep my promise to protect you," he said as he tightened his grip on my hand as he looked down.

"Hey. It's not your fault. You didn't know," I said as I pulled his chin up to make him look at me.

"You're right. I know nothing about you. You have so many secrets that you kept from me," he said as tears running down his eyes again.

"I'm sorry. I just don't want you to be worry. Please don't cry," I said as I wiped the tears away.

He chuckled weakly as he grabbed my other hand.

"Do you know how it feels to be the last one to know that your loved one is hurt? And knowing that from others instead of their own mouth, on top of it? It feels so much worse than worry," he said as he looked at me straight in the eyes.

I choked. I was always busy protecting people that I love, and not letting them to protect me or even know that I was hurt. Thinking that it would make them feel safe and happy. But I didn't know that it's also hurting them.

"Do I mean anything for you, like anything at all?" he asked with teary eyes.

"What are you talking about? Of course you do. You mean the world to me," I said as I cupped his cheeks.

My eyes started to get teary. I hurt him ... badly.

"Then why can't you trust me?" he asked as he cupped my hands on his cheeks.

"Please don't say that. You know that's not true," I said as I rested my forehead on his as I closed my eyes, hoping that it could somehow ease his pain.

"The thing is, I don't know what's true anymore. Please ... just ... get out of my room," he said as he removed himself from me.

"Dan, please, I ..." I said but he didn't let me finished.

"I'm sorry. But I wanna be alone, please," he pleaded.

He used my words against me.

"Is this how he felt when I said that earlier? It feels horrible," I said inside.

"Alright. I'm gonna give you some space," I said before I got up.

I clenched my hands so hard so I wouldn't cry.

"I'm really sorry for what I did. I hope you would give me another chance. But if you wouldn't, please, at least don't be mad to your mom. She has nothing to do with it. This is all my fault. Good night, Daniel. I love you," I said before I left.


I heard something got thrown to the wall from inside his room.

I grabbed my torn clothes on my chest as I bit my lips so hard to hold back my tears because I didn't want him to hear me crying.

"Where should I sleep now?" I asked myself when I remembered that my mom told me that I couldn't go home until Daniel forgave me.

Troublemaker - Kang DanielWhere stories live. Discover now