14 - Gotcha

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I looked at him right in the eyes. I knew that he's probably doing it just because he's horny and bored, but I was also blinded by lust.

Third person P.O.V

"Oh God. She looks so sexy. I don't think I can wait anymore," he said in his mind.

"I don't know what to say Daniel," you said suddenly.

"You don't need to say anything," he said before he kissed you.

"SURPRISE!" Jisung said after opening the door.

"Fuck! Now what?" he cursed after he pulled out from the kiss then glared at Jisung.

"Ow. Sorry Daniel. Should we comeback later?" Jisung asked.

End of Third person P.O.V

I snapped back into reality when I heard the voice. I quickly sat back up and removed myself from Daniel, when he was busy glaring towards the one who interrupted us.

"No no no. Please come in. Perfect timing. We're just starting to eat," I said as I got up and tidied myself.

"(y/n)?" Minhyun asked confused and I just smiled.

The boys started whispering among each other wondering if Daniel and I were a thing.

"What are you doing?" Daniel whisper-shouted as he glared at me.

Then I shook my head as I signaled him to be quiet.

"I'm gonna take more foods and utensils," I said as I quickly shoved the guys into Daniel's room before I went to the kitchen.

In the kitchen

"Come on, (y/n). Why did I let him do that?" I said softly after I washed my face on the sink.

Then I touched my lips when the memory of us kissing was coming back to me.

"Did they interrupt you too?" I gasped when someone asked suddenly.

Daniel's mom was already standing beside me as she handed me a towel.

"N-n-no. They didn't. I'm sorry for earlier. It's really not like what it looks like," I explained as I took the towel.

"It's okay. I know. I heard everything," she said lightly.

"Hum?" I asked confusedly.

I wasn't quite sure what she meant by that.

"The wall is thin around here. So you guys might wanna keep it down," she said as she winked then gave me more foods and utensils before she left.

"Oh crap. She heard everything," I gasped as I dropped the towel.

I no longer got control over my body. I was too flabbergasted.

"Hhh. I'm so screwed," I sighed as I dragged my feet weakly to Daniel's room.

In Daniel's room

Daniel called me to sit beside him. Then he sulked when I sat beside Minhyun who was sitting beside him instead.

I wondered what Daniel told the boys. They didn't say anything about what happened.

As we're joking around, I suddenly felt someone held my hand. The size and the warmth of the hand seemed familiar.

When I glanced at my hand, I saw Daniel's hand was on top of mine. I wasn't sure what to do, until I saw Daniel smiled at me before quickly looked back at the boys again.

I didn't know what it was between us, but I decided to hold his hand back. I saw he curled a smile as he looked down shyly before continued joking around with the boys.

At the front porch of Daniel's house

"Thank you for the food Mam. Get well soon Daniel. We'll see you tomorrow at school," Jisung said as we bowed.

"(y/n), where do you think you're going? Aren't you gonna help me clean up?" Daniel's mom asked when I was about to leave.

"Ah, right, I'm sorry. Go ahead guys," I said as I waved at them.

Back in the house

After the guys left, Daniel and I took out the trays to the kitchen. But suddenly Daniel's mom pushed us back inside his room and closed the door.

"Mam, what are you doing? I thought you want me to help you clean up?" I asked from inside the room while knocking and trying to open the door.

But the door won't open.

"I think she locked it. Why?" I asked confused as I turned around to Daniel.

"Because she knew that we still have an unfinished business," Daniel said as he approached me.

"D-D-Daniel, I don't think that's a good idea. Y-y-your mom can hear everything from outside," I stuttered as I stepped back every time he got closer until I bumped on the wall.

"What are you talking about? My wall is so thick," he said as he put his hands on the wall.

I was trapped between him and the wall.

She won't even notice if you scream," he said as he pulled my chin up.

"B-b-but she said she heard everything. She gave me more food and utensils earlier even before I asked for it," I said nervously because he was getting even closer.

"What else would someone need when they go to the kitchen after more people coming in? I thought you're smart. She totally got you," he said as he pinched my cheek lightly.

"Oh. Right," I agreed as I was groping the wall, hoping that I would find a secret hole to hide myself.

"So where were we?" he asked as he leaned in.

Our faces were only a few inches apart. He's so close. Too close.

"Wait, Daniel. Please, hhh, I, um," I ranted nonsense while holding myself back from moaning when I felt his breath on my face.

I kept looking at his lips as he was leaning even closer.

"I can't do this," I told myself in my mind as I bit my lips and closed my eyes.

Then I clenched my hands really hard, until ...

"WHAT ARE WE?" I shouted suddenly.

Oh crap. I said it.

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