3 - Homework

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Third person P.O.V

"Come on, just give us your homework. And we'll let you go" someone said.

"Darn it! Why is everyone so noisy today?" Daniel grunted when he heard some noises as he took a nap on the rooftop. The school is a two story building, so he could hear clearly what's going on downstair.

"Shit! Daehwi?" he cursed when he saw Daehwi was bullied by the unpopular guys gang member.

When he's about to jump, he heard a voice.

"GOOD AFTERNOON SIR! OH, ARE YOU GOING TO THE STORAGE ROOM TO PUT THESE BASKETBALL? LET ME HELP YOU" you shouted then stomped your feet loudly behind a wall.

"Shit! We gotta go. You're lucky this time. Don't tell anyone about this!" one of the guy warned Daehwi.

End of Third person P.O.V

I was peeking behind the wall to make sure that they already left. I saw the bullied guy was trembling and he was trying so hard not to cry. I wanted to approach him to calm him down, but I thought he wouldn't be happy if he knew someone saw what happened.

When I arrived home, I didn't tell my mom about the homework because she was busy preparing for my birthday party.

"If I do my homework now, my mom will be preparing all of these by herself" I said in my mind when I saw tons of things to do for the party. Our family only celebrate birthday every five years, so when we do, we always make sure it's BIG.

"I'll just do my homework tomorrow at school. I can manage" I continued in my mind.

Then I went to help my mom. Good thing my brother also came not long after that. He was lying when he said he had a basketball practice. He was preparing for my surprise. Later on my dad also came home from work. Then we started the party when my friends came. We had a blast.

I was so happy as I was unwrapping my gifts, I totally forgot about the homework. Then, it was already so late at night and I was so tired from cleaning up after the party, so I decided to sleep.

"Shit!" I gasped when I heard my alarm was beeping as the morning came.

I quickly cleaned up and prepared for the school then gulped down my breakfast before I left.

I chuckled when I saw the what-just-happened look in my family's face, as they confused seeing me moved in a flash.

I went straight to my desk and did my homework. There's no one in class as they're playing in the schoolyard, only one guy was sleeping on the same desk as Minhyun.

"Oh, that's Minhyun's desk mate. Shit! There's no time for that. Focus! Homework!" I said in my mind.

I was shocked when I did my homework. I didn't know what my brain and body could do under pressure. I literally couldn't see my hands movement as I wrote the answers easily on my books. My hands and brain worked ridiculously fast.

Miraculously I finished my homework just in time, before the school's bell rang. "Huff, that was close" I said as I wiped the sweat on my forehead when I saw the kids and teacher coming into the classroom.

When the teacher collected the homework, she asked the ones who didn't do it to get out of the class. I saw the bullies from yesterday went out while glaring at me.

"(y/n) also didn't do her homework! She did it before the class starts" one of them said.

The teacher asked me if it's true and I nodded. I didn't see what's the big deal, because it's a common thing to do in my previous school. "Well seems like no one does that here" I said in my mind when I realized that I was in trouble.

"Hhh, I also did my homework before class" Minhyun's desk mate suddenly said.

"No, he didn't. He was just sleeping. Why would he say that?" I wondered in my mind.

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