24 - Beginner (M)

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*Mature Content - Please skip this part if you're uncomfortable - Read at your own risk - You.Have.Been.Warned*

I patted Daniel's mom's back because she cried when Daniel told her what happened.

"Wait. Dongho what?" I asked when I realized that there's part of the story that I didn't know.

"Guanlin heard you guys fought because of me at recess. So I went to see Dongho to explain that we're together yesterday because you're sick. Then he told me about the deal, and he also told Pamela about the letter," he explained.

"Awww. Donghooo. I didn't know that he's so nice. Should I just date him again?" I joked.

"NO!" Daniel and his mom yelled as they glared at me.

"Hahaha. I'm just kidding. You guys are cute," I teased as I smiled, but they still looked unamused.

"Mmm. Mam, have we ever met before? Come to think of it, you seem somewhat familiar," I asked when I suddenly remembered her face from somewhere.

They became silent.

"Something's wrong?" I asked confused.

"Mom, I think you should tell her," Daniel finally said.

Then she told me what happened. I was so shocked, so I cried.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what to say. Thank you," I ranted as I was sobbing.

"Why would you apologize? You didn't do anything wrong. I should've been the one who apologize, because I couldn't protect you," she said as she hugged me.

"You've done more than enough, Mam. How can I repay you?" I asked.

"Don't deal with everything yourself. Let us help you. That's how you can repay me," she said as she hugged me tighter.

"Why are you so nice to me, Mam?" I said as I cried harder.

After a while, my eyes were getting heavy. I felt relieved after crying so hard. And I felt safe and warm in her embrace. Then I fell asleep in her arms.

Later that day

When I woke up, I saw Daniel was sleeping without a shirt in front of me. I blinked my eyes repeatedly to digest what's going on.

"What? A sleeping shirtless Daniel? In front of me? Arrrgh!" I screamed when I realized that I was sleeping on the same bed with Daniel.


"Ack!" I squealed as I fell on the floor.

"Are you okay?" Daniel woke up from the sound then pulled out his hand towards me.

I didn't respond because I saw some familiar stuffs under his bed.

"Are those ...," I asked as I pointed under his bed.

"Don't look!" he said as he covered my eyes with his hand.

"Can I watch one?" I asked hesitantly as I removed his hand slowly then looked at him.

He was blushing.

"W-w-what? Why? You threw up earlier, remember?" he asked confused.

Troublemaker - Kang DanielWhere stories live. Discover now