31 - Congratulations (m)

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*Mature Content (soft) - Please skip this part if you're uncomfortable - Read at your own risk - You.Have.Been.Warned*

A/N: Credit for the picture goes to the rightful owners of the picture


I was shocked when I saw the boys were already gathered behind Daniel's Mom, being so festive

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I was shocked when I saw the boys were already gathered behind Daniel's Mom, being so festive.

"What are these for?" I asked sobbing as I looked at everyone with a confused face.

"It's to congratulate you that you got into the competition. With meeeeeee," Daehwi squealed before he squeezed me tightly.

I looked down because I couldn't get myself to tell him that I wasn't going.

"What's wrong (y/n)? Aren't you happy to join the competition with us?" Jinyoung asked confused.

"I'm not, going," I said hesitantly.

"WHAT?!" everybody screamed in shock.

"But why? I'm sure you're more than capable to slay everyone else in the competition," Sungwoon said confused and the others nodded.

I looked down as I couldn't answer.

"If you are to be completely honest, do you wanna join the competition?" Daniel's mom asked suddenly.

"Of course I do," I said as I looked at her.

"Good. Then it's all that matter, your headmaster will be really happy to hear it," she said before she headed to the headmaster's office.

"But Mom. I ..." I said as I grabbed her hand to prevent her to go.

"It's okay. I know. You don't have to worry about the school. Your headmaster is a great one. Could you please trust her? Just give it a try. Everything is gonna be okay," she assured as she stroked my hair.

"Is it really okay?" I wondered in my mind as I looked at her.

She smiled and patted my hands as if she could hear my concern.

"Go play with the boys. I'll take care of it," she said before she got in.

Then I felt some familiar hands on my arms were dragging me back to the boys, of course they're Woojin and Jihoon. I could feel that the boys were trying so hard to cheer me up, so I also tried my best to smile, although I still felt uneasy about it.

"Hey, here. I have something for you," Daniel said as he gave me a box.

"Oh. Thank you. What is this?" I asked as I opened the box.

My eyes grew wide when I looked at the content.

"What? What is it? What did he gave you?" Seongwoo suddenly asked as he approached me and the others followed.

"NOTHING! ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!" I yelled in shock as I closed the box abruptly when I saw everyone was already gathered around me.

"If it's nothing then why were you yelling? Aye. Don't be so cheap. I won't ask you to share it with me. I just wanna see," Seongwoo insisted as he tried to open the box.

"IT'S A BOOK! Yeah. It's a book," I lied.

"Ew. What a boring boyfriend. I feel sorry for you," Seongwoo said as he patted my shoulder before went back to play with the others.

I glared at Daniel when I saw that he was grinning happily as he looked at me all flustered.

"You! We need to talk! Now!" I said as I asked Daniel to get up and follow me.

I gasped when he suddenly grabbed my hand and dragged me to the rooftop when we got quite far already from the boys.

He cupped my cheeks and attacked my lips as soon as he closed the door.

"Daniel, I can't do this now," I said when I pushed him gently to get away from the kiss.

"I told you what I wanna do at recess," he said in a low note as he quickly unbuttoned my shirt while trailing his lips down my neck, sucking the skin.

Clank Creak

We froze when we heard someone was pulling the door handle from the other side. Then he quickly pulled me to hide behind a wall. He covered my mouth with his hand as he pressed my back on his chest.

"Here. You can put those tables here," someone said.

We peeked from behind the wall and we saw the disciplinary teacher and some guys brought some old tables to the rooftop.

I was busy observing the situation until I felt Daniel was sneaking his hands under my shirt. I grabbed his hands to stop him as I turned to glare at him. But it was too late, his eyes were already filled with lust, and they were so sexy.

"Keep your voice down if you don't wanna get caught," he whispered as he's fondling my boobs.

It was hard to keep it down when he was squeezing my boobs and pinching my nips with his magical hands. I slipped out a moan when I unconsciously grazed my butt on his bulge as he trailed his hand down my pussy.

"Who's there?" the teacher asked.

In that situation, I expected Daniel to stop what he's doing. But he didn't, he even intensified and picked up the pace.

I slapped his hand repeatedly to get him to stop when I felt his finger on my entrance. But he didn't care, he's too horny to care. He slid his finger inside me as he covered my mouth tightly.

He groaned lowly when I bit his hand as I shook my butt on his bulge.

"I said, who's there?" the teacher asked as again.

I was so scared when I saw him getting closer to our hideout. But Daniel made me lose my sense as he was fondling my boob, pumping his fingers inside me, and rolling his hips on my butt.

"Who's ther...," he asked again as I heard his footsteps were so close to us.

I shut my eyes tight as I hugged Daniel's arm when I felt that I was close and so did the teacher.

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