32 - Recess (m)

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*Mature Content (soft) - Please skip this part if you're uncomfortable - Read at your own risk - You.Have.Been.Warned*

"Sir, where should we put this one?" someone asked suddenly.

"Oh that. Just put it beside the table. Hhh. I wish I could just throw them away. It's not good keeping garbage like this. Let's go," the teacher said.

I heard his footsteps were getting away, until we couldn't hear anymore voices as they left.

"Hhh. That was intense. Mhhh!" I said as turned around but got muffled right away with Daniel's kiss.

I was still horny after I came on his fingers earlier, so I decided to just get along with it. I grabbed his bulge and stroked it as I was battling with his tongue. Then I finally won when he groaned because I squeezed his bulge.

"I told you, next time is your turn," I said before I kneeled down in front of him.

I was actually nervous to see a man's private part in real life for the first time. But I also kinda excited to experience its full potential, because it's already felt good just by grazing it on my butt earlier.

I bit my lips as I kept glancing up to him when I unbuckled his belt. I pulled down his pants and brief then froze as I looked at his size. He's as big as the guy in the first porn, but Daniel's is prettier.

"Does every man has the same size? Are they all this big?" I asked as I looked up at him.

"Hahaha. No. Everyone has a different size. Do you like it?" he asked chuckled as he stroked my hair.

"Yes," I said as I nodded. "But I'm not sure what should I do to it," I said hesitantly as I was circling my finger on the tip.

"Ah. You're telling me that you don't know what to do, but you're already doing it right. Oh shit!" he cursed as he bit his lips.

"Hum?" I asked confused as I kept gliding my finger along every curve and vein.

"Oh. You'll be fine princess. I told you, you're a natural on this. Fuck!" he cursed before he bit his lips while stroking my hair.

I looked at his expression carefully as I touched him in different ways. So far it looked like I was doing a good job as he kept hissing and groaning every time I touched him.

Then I got the urge to wrap my hands around it, because it looked like a thick popsicle with a mushroom head, so pretty.

"Fuck!" he cursed as he grabbed my hair tightly when I took the tip in my mouth.

"Hmm," I hummed when I felt some liquid on the tip and it tasted nice.

Then I sucked and licked all over it just like what I do when I eat a popsicle.

"Holy Shit! Keep going princess," he cursed as he pushed my head gently.

I took the cue so I took him deeper and deeper as I bobbed my head. Then I stretched my mouth more until I took him all in my mouth, earning his groan. I gagged as I felt the burn when his tip reached the back of my throat. He cursed so loudly.

"Are you okay?" he asked as he was breathing heavily when he pulled my chin up and I nodded.

I put his balls inside my mouth as if I was eating rock candies. I sucked, licked, and twirled all over them, before finally licked my way up along the back of his shaft.

I didn't know what pushed me, but the next thing I know, I was already bobbing my head frantically as I stroked his length. I twisted my hands around it as I took him deeper and deeper every time.

"I'm close, baby. Oh shit!" he cursed as he suddenly bucked his hips and pushed my head to meet his thrust just with enough amount of pressure to pleasure him without hurting me.

I picked up my pace as I squeezed his length before I took him completely in. I tugged his balls gently, causing him to shot his cum in my mouth and I swallowed it.

Then we heard the school bell rang.

He helped me up before we got dressed. Then he kissed my lips, but gently this time.

"Thank you. I had a great time again today. I hope that you're not worried about the competition anymore," he said as he kissed my forehead.

"Wait. You knew?" I asked surprised.

"Yeah. Of course. It's written all over your face. Why do you think I did all of these for? Didn't you feel how hard my heart was beating when we almost got caught earlier?" he asked.

"I'm sorry. I thought you're doing it just because you're horny. I didn't know that you did it for me," I said as I looked down.

"Well, I'm always horny for you that's for sure, but I care about you too. Now don't worry about it, alright? Everything will be fine. We're gonna get through it together. Have some faith in us," he said as he stroked my head.

"I will," I said as I smiled.

"I love you so much," he said as he hugged me tightly.

He was so sweet, but for some reason I couldn't stop thinking about his "thing" as I could still feel the heat from it.

"I love you too. But I think we should go back to class before my mind is thinking of doing something else," I confessed as I released myself from him.

I took a glance on his crotch before I walked to the door.

"Hahaha. Told you, you're a natural. Wait for me you perv," he said as he smacked my butt when we're headed back to the class. "Don't worry, you're gonna see it again soon. And next time we're gonna use the thing inside the box," he whispered before he kissed my ear.

"Oh My God. I think he caught me staring at his thing. It's so embarrassiiiiiiing" I screamed inside as I covered my face and he chuckled.

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