25 - Start (m)

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*Mature Content (soft) - Please skip this part if you're uncomfortable - Read at your own risk - You.Have.Been.Warned*

"Don't think. Just feel," Daniel said before he cupped my cheeks slowly then pulled me in for a kiss.

The kiss grew deeper as I moaned in the kiss when I heard the moaning sounds from the video. He used that opportunity to slid his tongue through the slit. Then our tongues started to battle.

"Ah," I finally let out the moan when he broke the kiss to went down my neck.

I moaned louder when he was sucking the skin, marking me.

"Shit! If you keep moaning like that, I won't be able to stop (y/n)," he warned.

"Uh. But it feels so good, Daniel. Ah," I confessed as I was struggling to keep my moaning down.

He came back up to shut me with his mouth. Then I finally realized that he's also having a hard time when I saw his obvious boner. I grabbed his bulge slowly with my hand then stroking it.

"Fuck!" he cursed breaking the kiss.

"My turn," I said as I straddled him.

He hissed then bit his lips when I lowered my crotch on his.

"Hmmmh. It's warm ..., and it's ... poking me," I groaned as I slowly grinding on him while rubbing my fingers on the back of his neck.

"Sssh. Ah. I thought you don't know how to do this. Oh shit," he cursed before he dropped his head back as he put his hands on my hips.

"I'm just following what I feel. Does it feels good? Oh. You're so hot Daniel," I said as I rolled deeper on him while sucking his neck.

"Fuck yes! Keep doing that then I'm gonna lose my mind and fuck you senseless princess," he groaned as he's bucking his hips up, creating an intense friction.

"Uh! Daniel. You're not helping. Oh Fuck! I can't believe I'm doing this," I cursed as I was humping him.

The video that started all of the mess was still playing. It was hard to control myself with the moaning, grunting, and skin slapping sounds in the background, and his hump and dirty talk on top of it.

I dropped my head back when I felt my nipples hardened. He took the sign when he saw me fondling my boobs. He quickly unbuttoned my shirt and unclasped my bra. Then he glided his tongue over my nipple. His skillful wet licks was driving me insane.

"Ngggh yes. Oh God. This is so good. Keep going Daniel," I groaned when he took my nipple in his mouth, sucking it while playing with the other one.

I arched my back as I grabbed his thighs as a support. Then he put his other hand at the lower part of my back to bring me closer to him.

"Oh, please don't stop baby," I begged as I put my hands on his shoulders as a support as I bounced harder on him.

He hummed on my nipple while pinching the other one, sending shivers all over my body. Then he tugged my nipples.

"Oh fuck! My whole body is warm and tingling Daniel. Holy Shit!" I cursed when he put his hands on my hips to push me down meeting his.

My body was shaking vigorously.

"Come princess, come with me. Fuck!" he cursed as he picked us his pace.

The room was full with sinful sounds and heavy breathing.

"Ngggh! Fuuuck!" I squealed when I felt warm liquid was dripping down my thighs after Daniel's hips jerking up sharply a few times.

I think that's when we came.

"You are dripping. Was it good?" he asked panting as he trailed his fingers on my thighs capturing my juice.

I was too shocked by all of the sensations that I just felt to respond. My whole body was hot and I couldn't really get words out of my mouth.

I saw his crotch was wet, possibly from his own cum and mine. Then I gulped when I saw him licking my cum on his fingers. I was busy observing his every movement, until I realized that he was staring at me.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" I finally managed to respond.

"Flushed cheeks, dark lustful gaze, swollen parted lips. Are you trying to make me go all the way, naughty princess?" he asked as he leaned in.


I felt the heat rushed to my cheeks.

"You like it when I talk dirty, don't you?" he asked.

I cupped my cheeks to hide my embarrassment as I looked down avoiding his gaze.

"Next time I will make sure to prepare some condoms so I can go all the way and fuck you hard," he teased as he pulled my chin up.

His voice is lower than usual, so damn sexy.

"So since I don't have one with me now, I think that's enough for today. Besides I don't wanna betray your mom's trust on me," he said as he patted my head, and I nodded.

Knock knock

We gasped then quickly turned off the video when we heard his mom called us out to have dinner.

"You go first. I'm gonna clean these up," he whispered as he was sorting his "collection".

I got up then headed to the door.

"Ouch!" I whisper-screamed then turned back to glare at him because he smacked my butt.

"Are you seriously gonna go out half naked like that?" he asked as he shifted his gaze to my chest.

I gasped when I finally realized my state. I quickly turned around then tidied up myself.

"Although I don't mind getting you naked on the dinning table and have you as my dinner instead. But we don't wanna do that in front of my mom, do we?" he whispered as he nibbled my ear before running to the door.

I choked on my saliva.

"He's so fucking rude!" I whined when I heard him chuckled behind the door.

Troublemaker - Kang DanielWhere stories live. Discover now