15 - Protect

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"I never thought that you're the type who care about labels," he said as he retreated.

I totally freaked him out.

"Hahaha. I know right? I even surprised myself. Let's just forget I ever said that. Mmm. I should probably go. Bye," I said as I smiled awkwardly before I went to the door.

Somehow the door was opened.

Third person P.O.V

"I'm sorry, I just wanna protect you. I promise I'll find a way," Daniel said after you left.

End of Third person P.O.V

"Hello? Why are my kids sulking at the dinning table? Did something happen at school?" my mom asked as she snapped her fingers waking me up from daydreaming.

"Nothing, I'm just full," I said spiritlessly as I looked at my food.

"You? Full? Hahaha. Now that will be the day," she mocked.

"I'm serious. I don't feel like eating," I said as I played with my food.

"I thought you said that you are in a serious relationship with food or something," she said confused.

"I did. But I think we're gonna break up for a while. Now can I excuse myself please?" I pleaded.

"You know that's not how we do it around here. Eat your food. You should appreciate what you have," she reminded.

I pouted whiled stabbing the innocent food on my plates. I knew she was right, but I just didn't have the appetite.

I was busy shoving the food in my mouth annoyedly, until I realized that my brother was also gloomy.

"Brian, are you okay?" my mom asked.

"Oh. Yeah Mom. I'm okay. Sorry," my brother said as he smiled then ate his food.

He forced it.

My brother had never told anyone about his hardships. He's always keeping it inside.

When we're a kid, I saw him several times hiding and crying in a place where no one would go. Then he would smile after he came out of his hideout as if nothing ever happened.

Did something happen again?

The next morning

I went to the class to see Daniel was already sleeping on Minhyun's chair, again.

"Let's forget what happened yesterday, and act natural. We're just friends," I reminded myself as I went to my seat.

Then I saw that Pamela was crying, again.

"Did you get another letter?" I asked worriedly.

She nodded while sobbing.

"I thought Jojo already took care of it?" I asked confused.

"I don't know," she said before covering her face with her hands.

"Don't worry. I'll find a way, okay?" I assured as I patted her shoulder.

"Thank you," she said as she hugged me.

"Damn it! If it wasn't for that stupid headmaster's daughter, I would've already beaten Dong Ho into pulp for sure," I ranted annoyedly inside as I patted her back.

During PE class

Our PE instructor told us to run around the school as a warm up.

I glanced inside my brother's class when I was passing by. I was worried because he was still forcing his smile when we separated.

"Whoah!" I screamed when I felt my body was flying before finally fell on the ground.

My whole body was aching. My knees and hands were all covered in bruise. Then I felt a stream of blood running on my forehead.

"Ouch! That must've hurt. You should be really careful next time," someone said.

It was Dongho. He tripped me!

"Ouch!" I squealed when I fell back down as soon as I tried to get up.

It seemed like I sprained my ankles too.

"Ow. Do you need help?" he said as he put out his hand to me.

"Pffft. There's no one here. Don't act nice," I scoffed as I got up slowly by myself.

"Excuse me? I was just trying to help you. You don't have to be so rude," he said annoyedly as he folded his hands on his chest.

"Dude, I can be whatever I want. What do you want?" I asked coldly.

"I told you, I just wanted to help ... Wait, you don't think that I did it on purpose, do you? I would never do that, Princess. I just slipped," he said as he shrugged when he pulled out his leg.

"Ew! Don't call me Princess. I'm gonna throw up," I complained.

"Only Daniel can call me that. Damn it! Why do I still think about him?" I complained in my mind.

"Now let's cut the crap, shall we? What do you want?" I asked as I glared at him.

"Mmm. Nothing. It's just that your brother is still sooo annoying, even after I warned him yesterday. So I was thinking of playing around with you instead," he said excitedly.

"What did you do to him?" I asked as I grabbed him by the collar.

"Woah woah. Chill out, Chili. I didn't do anything. Well ... yet. But if he keeps going like this, I'm tempted to do something. I'm really holding myself back, you know?" he said lightly.

"Good. Then keep holding yourself back. Because if you dare to lay your nasty fingers on him again, I swear, I will beat the crap out of you until you regret you ever saw me," I warned as I tightened my grip on his collar.

"Hahaha. You wouldn't dare. You'll get expelled right away if you do that. Besides, what a cutie pie like you can do?" he mocked.

"Then try me. I'll gladly show you what I'm capable of," I whispered to his ear.

"(y/n)!" I heard my brother's voice suddenly.

He stomped his feet as he came to me. He looked super angry.

"Come on. Let's get you treated," he said as he dragged me away from Dong Ho.

At the nursery room.

"Ouch! Be gentle, will you?" I complained when my brother treated me.

"You acted all tough, but you're already screaming just because I'm cleaning your bruise?" he asked as he pushed my head with his finger.

"I was just trying to protect you," I said as I looked down.

"I know, and I'm thankful for that. But can't you see that I'm just trying to protect you too? If you beat him, you're gonna be expelled and no other good schools would be willing to accept you. How do you think that would make me, mom and dad feel? Huh? Have you ever think about it from that perspective? This school is your best and last shot," he ranted.

"I'm sorry," I said before I cried.

"Look at me. There's nothing for you to be sorry about. We all know that it wasn't your fault, you're just trying to protect the people that you love. So now let us protect you, okay?" he asked as he cupped my cheeks.

I nodded as I looked at him.

"Now get some rest. Your wounds are pretty deep, especially the one on your forehead. I'm gonna tell your teachers, then I'll take you home at recess, okay?" he said before he headed to the door.

"Brian, please be careful," I said as I grabbed his hand.

Then he smiled before he left. That damn forced smile.

Damn it! What can I do to protect them?

Troublemaker - Kang DanielWhere stories live. Discover now