chapter 3

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After our....shower we got ready and headed downstairs. Mickey and Boris were already in the kitchen like usual.
"Morning" I greeted them while getting some water.
"Morning Mr. Felix" Boris replied with a slight wave.
"Others still sleeping?" I asked though I knew the answer.
"Yeah" Boris picked up his coffee anc took a sip.
"Could have guessed that" I joked sitting down next to Oswald.
"Breakfast is almost done" Mickey butted in.
"Okay" Oswald was the one to reply this time.
Soon enough Mickey had finished and set everything on the table.
We all began to dig in, we didn't wait for the others anymore because they slept late into the afternoon.
We finished up eating before talking about random things.
After a few hours I realised I only had 10 minutes before I had to meet Sheba at her place.
"I have to go" I said, getting up and getting my jacket.
"Oh okay" Mickey said picking up my plate.
"Be safe feel" Oswald told me like he always did when I left.
"Being safe is boring" I decided to tease him.
"Than just come home in one piece" he clearly knew I was playing around.
"Ugh fine. Love you" I blew a kiss to him.
"Love you too kitten" he replied smiling.
I slipped out of the house, the cold December air greeting me. I checked my watch quickly.
"Great now I have 7 minutes" I rolled my eyes before heading towards town.
Sheba lived on the far side of town so to get there in time I would have to be quick.
It didn't take me as long as I expected, of course I had ran a little to get there. I caught my breath before knocking on the door.
Sheba answered it in no time.
"Howdy feel" she greeted, standing in the doorway.
"Below Sheba" I smiled at her, she had been my best friend since we were young.
"So where we going?" Sheba asked me.
"That's up to you, but I just walked here in 10 minutes so can we have a break first" I asked not feeling like walking.
"Sure come on in" she offered, turning around and heading to the living room.
I came in, shutting the door behind me.
"So what did you want to talk about?" She asked, sitting on one of her sofas.
"Great guess were going straight into this aren't we?" I thought to myself before sitting down.

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