Chapter 53

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It was mid afternoon when I decided to go back to bed. Everyone else, except Sheba, was up but I just couldn't hold my eyes open.

I laid down and fell asleep qyiet fast, allowing the darkness to take over my thoughts

I hadn't been asleep long, that I knew, when I was awoken by loud voices not far from my room.

I groaned, pushing myself up from my bed and heading to the door. I wasn't think straight, at the moment, and pushed the door open before listening to the conversation.

Instantly the two figures stopped talking and it became quiet. In front of me, just down the hall, stood Sheba and Oswald.

"Is... Um everything okay?" I asked, rubbing my eyes to see better. Were they just arguing? I knew ozzy and her didn't get along, but theu never argued before.

"Feel-" Sheba went to say something, but Oswald cut her off feel.

"Yeah everythings fine feel. I was just talking to Sheba. Were we too loud? Sorry if we woke you. We will be quiet." He said, a small smile coming to her face.

I looked between the two of them for what seemed like hours. Something was wrong, my gut was giving me that feeling again. I pushed it away and ignored it for now.

"It's okay honey bun." I purred softly. "I needed to get up anyway. Where is everyone anyway? It's so quiet besides us." I stated, looking down the stairs.

"Mickey took the kids out, and the other four went to the store or something." Oswald explained.

"Got it. Well I'm going to go get a drink, it's so hot." I said, using it as an excuse to leave.

I started down the stairs, stopping just at the bottom around the hall. I could hear their voices in the distance, but they were being quiet now. All i could hear was jumbled words that made no sense.

I gave up after a few minutes and got my seat. I took a seat on the couch and relaxed for a little. The babies were kicking and aftive like always now. Theu really tired me out.

I was so close to holding them in my arms, and the last thing I needed was stress. Though of course I was stressed.

The babies were on their way, Sheba just got home, Ozzy is acting weird, and i still have yet to finish my book.

I groaned allowed at all the thoughts coming to my head. Maybe children weren't a good idea right now. Then again, these weren't planned. I don't see them as a mistake, no I could never, they were just a surprise.

I was snapped from all my jumbled thoughts by foots steps. My head turned to see Sheba coming down to the living room.

"You okay?" She asked, coming to dtand in front of me. I wondered why she said it. Shouldn't I be the one asking her that?

"Yeah...yeah." I nodded, collecting myself. "How are you feeling?" I asked, trying to nudge my way up to the question I was thinking.

"Still a little off." She admitted, sitting down next to me. "You?"

"Im okay. Tired and sore." I chuckled, laying my hand on my swollen stomach. It was defienetly an interesting feeling that's for sure.

"I bet." She smiled, a purr rising in her throat. She seemed so happy to be back again.

"So." I gulped down any hesitation I had left. "What's up with you and Oswald?" I asked concerned.

Her facial expression changed, and her eyes dulled. "Feel you know me and him don't get along all that well." She smiled slightly, her tone changing bck to her usual one. "He just was yelling at me for leaving you alone. Said I stressed you out beyone belief,"

I stared at her, she was lying. She was lying right to my face. Whatever they had been talking about was serious enough that she wouldn't tell me. I would have just asked Oswald, but if I was being completely honest, I was scared to bring it up to him.

"Ah, sorry about him." I chuckled nervously. "He can get a little protective sometimes I guess."

Sheba pushed herself from the couch and began to walk back towards the stairs. "Protective.... Yeah." She replied, a bitterness, that I had never heard before, to her voice.

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