chapter 6

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"Feel?" I hear Sheba ask me, but all I could do was stare at the test.
The world began to spin a little, darkening sround the edges of my vision.
"Feel why don't we sit down" she asked, I could just barely hear her.
I nodded, clutching the test in my hands.
She guided me to her room where we use to hang out a lot as kids.
"It's not that big of a deal" she started, snaping me out of my daze.
"But what if Oswald didn't want this?" I asked sadly, my head still spinning making me sick.
"He's a rabbit I'm sure he'll want it" she rolled her eyes.
I couldn't help but giggle at her comment even though I could barely understand much.
"Why don't we go tell him?" Sheba put a hand on my shoulder, once again, to sturdy me.
"I don't want to right now..." I mumbled trailing of
"If it happened on our honey moon I should be about 2 month. If it happened after that it would be a month" I started thinking.
"Don't worry about the months right now" Sheba knew that if I started thinking about something i didn't stop.
"Okay" I took a deep breath to relax myself.
"If you make a doctors appointment I'll go with you" Sheba rubbed my shoulder, trying to calm me down.
"Thank you" I smiled, turning to  hug her tightly.
She hugged back just as tight, it made me feel safe.
"Now take care of yourself got it?" She booped my nose.
I covered my nose and nodded so that she knew I would.
"I wanna hear from you everyday on how your doing, and if anything goes wrong my house is always opened." She explained standing up.
"I know I know." I smiled "I'll make sure to text you all the time and come over more often" I added knowing that she missed my visits.
"When you get further along I'll visit you. I don't want you walking around by yourself even if you are up for challenges. You need to take it easy" Sheba lectured me.
"Got it Feel?" She asked putting a hand on her hip.
"Yeah" I nodded, going over everything she had said.
"Good now do you still want to go out?" She asked, removing her hand from her hip.
"Sure, I think I could use some fresh air" I rubbed the back of my neck shyly.
"Then lets go" she walked towards her door.
I quickly followed behind her and out of the house.
"Maybe it won't be so bad"

Memories (Osix) (Hanahaki sequel) Where stories live. Discover now