Chapter 51

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Excuse the typos, it's like 9 pm and i don't feel like proof reading XD really need to get another editor

When I woke up, everything was a blur for a moment. The world was coming into view like it was the first time I was seeing.

Once everything had settled into place, I shot up in bed. My arm reached and grabbed my phone, the screen lighting up in my hand.

"One new message" was written across the screen.

I tapped on it quicker than anything in my life. Sheba's messages popped up.

"Feel? Are you up?" The first one read. "I'm a few towns away, I'll be home later on today or tomorrow. Still not sure what happened." Read the next one. "I'll tell you more when I get there." That was her last message, it was sent two hours ago.

"Sorry Sheba I was asleep. I'll be eagerly awaiting your return. It's been so long, tell me all about it. I'm glad you are okay, I've been worried sick." I replied relaxing. She was okay, she was actually okay. All that time I had spent worrying, and she was okay.

It felt great to know she was there. Even though she was still miles away, she was there. I smiled at the thought of seeing my blonde gurred friend. Though I still wondered what had happened to her. Why had she vanished?

"Felix?" Oswald's voice rang from the doorway. It brought my focus back to the real world.

"Yes?" I asked, blinking a few times to clear my thoughts.

"Are you okay?" He asked, a look of concern on his face. He was always concerned now. I guess that was my fault though. Not only was I pregnant, but I had a rough past with hiding things from him. He too has had a rough past as well.

"Yes." I nodded with a smile. "Sheba's coming home." I added, my joy breaking through in my speach.

"Oh." Oswald replied, his voice wasn't too warm or happy. I didn't think much of it though, he had his moments where he didn't really care about anything else but me and the kids. And to be fair, him and sheba had a rough relationship.

"Mhm" i just nodded my head as a reply.

"Well it's almost noon, i think you should come down and get something to eat." He suggested, a smile slipping onto his face. Man i loved his smiles.

"Okay." I pushed myself up and got dressed before following him downstairs. We ate and talked to the others for a while.

Time flew by and we finished lunch before we knew it. I had told the others about the plan and they all seemed just as happy as I was for her return. Well everyone but oswald of course.

"Papa can we go in the backyard?" One of the kids asked oswald which again snapped me from my daze. I got stuck in my head too often now. I blame it on my pregnancy.

"Yes go ahead." Oswald nodded, standing up to go open that back door for them. I watched him as he left with the blue blur. He seemed a little off, but I didn't bother to push it. He was still moody sometimes, even moodier than me now.

I excused myself and went back upstairs to rest. My back was starting to bither me, and I figured it would be good for us to have alone time. I was all settled down in my bed when my mind began racing again. Everything that coukd go right, wrong, or neutral flooded my head. It was almost too much for me.

But then i heard it. The faint sound of knocking at the front door. I thought I would faint. As fast as my body would allow me, I climed out of bed and rushed downstairs. Mickey was already by the door when I arrived.

He saw me and backed away for me to answer it. I caught my breath, panting from the exercise, before grabbing the door knob.  Slowly i pulled open the door, coming face to face with the one and only sheba.

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