Chapter 61

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It was so bright, taking away my sight. I began to feel light as a feather, my body numb to the touch. Moved my eyes back and forth, but I couldn't see anything. I was strangly calm for such a situation.

Finally my vision cleared and I could body at least. Everything around me was just white. I was in a colorless void, floating calmly in the center.

I tried to move, but It was hard. I couldn't feel my limbs, and it was like something was holding me in place. I gave up and laid there alone thinking.

What If I died? Was there something wrong that the doctors didn't know? Is this where I will spend eternity? I thought to myself. I couldn't speak, so the sound of my own voice had faded from my memory.

I was stuck in thid abyss for what seemed like forever, before things started to change. My body began to feel heavy again, and moving wasn't so hard. The white walls surrounding me had also began to shift to a pale blue.

I felt relieved to actually feel again, that is until I felt the wind. It was soft at first, but became more violent. I realized I was falling. This void had become a sky in a matter of moments and I was obeying the laws of gravity.

Panic rushed through my once numb body. I couldn't think straight as I tossed and turned to get a better look at my situation. There was nothing but sky around me.

I reached down, trying to grab my bag for help, but it wasn't there. The bag that saved my lofe so many times was missing. I looked down to make sure it was gone, but instead I saw green and yellow coming into view. I was falling to the ground.

I closed my eyes tightly as I crashed down into the dirt. It was a hard fall, making me very disoriented. I groaned, pushing myself up from the grass and dirt. 

My eyes slid open, the world spinning around me. "Oh god." I mumbled, feeling sick as I blinked to clear my vision. Once I could see the world, I began to take in my surroundings. I was in a field of tall grass that went on endlessly. 

I turned in a full circle, looking at every direction around me. It all looked the same, just tall grass with a blue sky. There was nothing. "Hello!" I yelled out, thrown off by hearing my own voice. It was silent. "Hello!" I called out, louder this time. I listened, but no reply.

A deep unsettling feeling grew inside me. I felt like something was wrong. Going off instinct, i began to run north. I rab and ran as fast as I could. The world flew past me, grass and wind coming up at my face.

I felt like I was going no where, but the feeling inside me kept me going. I knew something was this way. I had to get to it.

I continued to run, my lungs burning as I pushed myself to the limits. Finally the grass began to fill with small orange flowers. At first there were only a few, but the further I went the more that appeared. Eventually there was nothing but flowers around me. Then I saw it. A single tree in the field.

I felt tired and sick, but the tree gave me so much hope. I slowly approached it, but stopped a few yards away. Just under the trees shade, sat a figure.

I couldn't make out anymore then a black blob, so I cautiously stepped forward. "Hello?" I called out, moving closer and closer.

"Huh?" The figure made a small sound as it turned to face me. It was Ortensia.

"Felix!" She exclaimed, scurrying to get to her feet. "You're here early! I thought for sure you'd be joing me later. My apologies that I wasn't there to guide you. You must have had a hard journey here." She said, smiling apologetically

"It's quite fine." I sighed, walking up to her. "It was an interestig way of entering this place to say the least." I rubbed the back of my neck and smiled.

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